Yu Qingqian also knew how attractive the position of the heir of the Abyss Emperor was. If Shi Xi didn't have a good and powerful old man, he would have been pulled down long ago.

   "It turns out that your abyss really not only penetrated into the major heterotopic interfaces, but also prepared to invade!" Yu Qingqian bit the last three words very hard.

  The abyss penetrates all the different interfaces of various sizes, and guessing it is not a good thing, but I didn't expect the ambition of the abyss royal family to be so big.

  Shi Xi's face changed, and only then did he realize that Yu Qingqian made him miss his words.

   "Hehe, that's just a plan, and it doesn't have to be implemented." Shi Xisan smiled.

   Yu Qing gave him a blank look, "Do you believe this yourself?"

   Shi Xi was stunned again, of course he didn't believe it, after all those real plans had already been implemented a lot.

   "That's why I said that if I can sit on the Abyss Emperor, I will remove the Guangluan Continent from the list of raiders, which is a win-win for us." Shi Xi thought about it and decided to persuade from the perspective of a dead woman.

  With Yu Qingqian's help, he would be more sure to take that position.

  Yu Qingqian thought for a while and asked: "You are so sure that the abyss can successfully invade other major hetero-interfaces? Aren't you afraid that the major interfaces will join forces to fight?"

"Let's get to the bottom of it with you." Shi Xi thought about it and said with a special voice transmission: "Since our abyss royal family dares to plan so much, we naturally have a complete deployment and plan, and many interfaces have become things in our pockets. ."

   "However, I don't know the details of those deployments and plans. It is only possible to get in touch with the abyss emperor." He immediately added, for fear that this woman, Yu Qingqian, would get to the bottom of it.

   Those are the biggest secrets of the abyss royal family, and he absolutely cannot reveal them.

   What's more, he was telling the truth, the core secrets of the royal family were still out of reach with his current status.

   His father threw him into a different interface to experience. In addition to being able to learn more about the different interface, he also hoped that he would be able to break through the Eternal Realm, so that the throne would basically be no big problem.

   Yu Qingqian believed what Shi Xi said, and could not help but ponder.

   It seems that it was right that Shi Xi was not directly killed before. The abyss royal family must have some big secrets about the major aberration interfaces.

  Yu Qingqian raised his head and saw Feng Chen's gaze, and understood.

   "How do I know if you will regret it if you become the Abyss Emperor?" Yu Qingqian said.

  Shi Xi rolled his eyes at him, "It's a big deal for me to make a law oath with you, do you want to be so careful?"

  I don't know why, although I like to confront Yu Qingqian and hate her, but I feel that if he really becomes the emperor of the abyss, he may not be able to deal with the Guangluan Continent.

  This woman has deep feelings for the Guangluan Continent, and she absolutely can't stand her home being controlled by the abyss.

   "Okay! Then you can make an oath now." Yu Qingqian did not expect these two people to be so eloquent, and was afraid that he would regret it later and say it immediately.

  Shi Xi was stunned, unable to laugh or cry, "Can't you trust me so much?"

   I felt a little unhappy again, this woman is still very defensive and prejudiced against him!

  Yu Qingqian nodded straightforwardly: "If I can trust you, I guess you think it's impossible."

  "..." Shi Xi twitched the corners of his mouth, if this woman showed her trust in him, he might think that she had a conspiracy.

   He has been tricked by this woman too many times, and he has already had a shadow!

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