After    the dark man stepped in, he was blocked by the divination technique, plant pattern prohibition and organ poisonous gas that Xiao Mo Ning had designed and transformed by Feng Chen.

   occasionally causes a strange-looking thing to explode.

Although the    lethality couldn't seriously injure him, it also prevented him from moving forward and delayed the time, making him very angry.

   What bothered him even more was that every time that thing exploded, it would be accompanied by poisonous smoke, and even he had to use the dark power in his body to expel or suppress the poisonous smoke that had spontaneously penetrated into his body.

   "Damn it, that idiot Xiao Mo Ning designed these ghosts to make a fool of himself." The dark man scolded angrily as he walked away.

   With his mind, he naturally guessed that this was originally created by Xiao Moning to deal with the invaders, but now it was transformed by the opponent to block his footsteps, which made him very annoyed.

   In the enclosed space, Feng Chen and the others heard the sound of bombs ringing from time to time outside, and they knew that someone was coming.

   "Do we need to attack this creature?" Lou Zhan wiped out all the tentacles on his body and looked at Feng Chen and asked.

   Fengchen shook his head: "Our attack is of little use to it, we still have to destroy the weak heart of its undead body inside."

   "Alright, I don't think I can kill this monster." Lou Zhan shrugged.

   "Someone is coming, so let's prepare for the attack first."

   Lou Zhan felt that Xiao Moning should not be able to come back so quickly, and the cultivation base of the people in the passage must not be weak.

  Feng Chen has an extra silver sword in his hand, "Okay, the person here may be a master invited by Xiao Moning, everyone be careful!"

  Yu Qingqian was inside the orange creature's belly, watching the creature's heart be condensed with a layer of frost.

   She stood up and walked over, spreading an extra handful of silver powder in her hand, and soon a hole was dissolved in the creature's heart, just enough to accommodate a person's height.

  Yu Qing shallowly drilled in, and the turquoise leaf instantly broke free from the creature's crimson tentacles and returned to her body, and there was another leaf-shaped mark on her wrist.

  The poison of ice penetrated the heart of the orange creature little by little, and soon the whole heart was melted into a pool of water.

The    orange creature let out a shrill scream, and like the garlic head creature before, chose to concentrate its essence to escape.

   A ray of orange light flew out, and soon merged with the body and wanted to drill out.

   The flower crown on Yu Qingqian's wrist did not need her to speak this time, and automatically inspired a bunch of colorful light to bind her.

   and take away nearly half of the power in the essence of the creature monster, spread it out and return it to the surviving city plants and dark plants.

With more than half of the remaining power, the colorful beam sent it to Yu Qingqian's hand.

  Yu Qingqian knew that now was not the time to absorb the power of creatures and monsters, and together with the colorful beams, they were collected into the small tower space.

   She rubbed the flower crown on her wrist and whispered, "Thank you!"

   then drilled out of the biological monster and appeared in a closed space.

   At this time, the biological monster lost its essence power, and the whole body was frozen by the poison of ice and had lost its mobility, and its vitality was also diminishing, and there was no longer any threat to the group.

   "It's done!" Yu Qingqing said with a smile.

   Lou Zhan and others realized the power of the undead body of the creature, and couldn't help but admire Yu Qingqian for getting it done so quickly.

  Especially Yu Chiyu and others who followed, sighed repeatedly in their hearts, the Great Demon King really deserves to be the Great Demon King, no matter where she is, there are times when she glows hot and magical.

   At this moment, the wall behind him was forcibly broken through, and a dark middle-aged man with suffocation and rage walked in.

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