The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 2296: According to the gourd painting

   was also sent in by the vortex, and Yu Qingqian and others entered a closed space.

   The design leading to this place before is very similar to the design of the lord's palace underground palace, and it can be seen that it is a wave of people.

   Therefore, after breaking the defense, Feng Chen directly used his own method to repair and transform it for their use, preparing to use it to intercept Xiao Mo Ning and the people of the City Lord's Mansion.

  There is a huge creature in the space, but this time it looks like a tomato, and its appearance is orange-red.

The tentacles that    extend out are also orange-red.

   When he saw Yu Qingqian and several others, a humanized face appeared on the surface of the orange creature.

   This time the creature seems to be one level higher than the previous garlic creature, and it can still speak.

   "Dead trespasser!"

After the    orange creature finished speaking, countless tentacles stretched out from its body and attacked the group.

The    tentacles landed on everyone's bodies, Feng Chen said, "Cut off the tentacles on your body, otherwise it will absorb too much vitality and essence."

   "Okay!" Others used various methods to remove the tentacles from their bodies.

   What surprised them was that after the tentacle was cut off, it only took a breath or two to regenerate it, and only then did they realize the powerful immortality that Yu Qingqian said before.

The tentacle touched Yu Qingqian's body, and the indifferent orange creature instantly widened its eyes, as if they had discovered the most delicious food in the world. The big copper bell-like eyes exuded a layer of hunger and thirst. dim light.

   "What a strong wood-type essence. After refining and absorbing you, I can completely enter the mature body." The orange creature said excitedly.

   Immediately, more tentacles entangled towards Yu Qingqian, and the power of swallowing was further strengthened.

   Although Yu Qingqian did not have the black and white strange poison this time, but because he collected the garlic head creature before, he has been researching it for a long time, so he has extracted a poison specifically for this kind of creature.

   Yu Qingqian didn't move, and was also pulled into the mouth by the orange creature and swallowed.

   Lou Zhan, Sheng Moran, Feng Li and others were shocked, "Qianqian!"

   "Qianqian has a way to deal with it, don't worry." Feng Chen immediately explained.

   A few people breathed a sigh of relief. The others thought that Yu Qingqian was indeed a great demon king, and even dealing with a creature had to be done in the opponent's stomach, too demonic!

   After Yu Qingqian entered the belly of the orange creature, a turquoise leaf floated out from the wrist of the gourd painting scoop.

   Seeing this, the orange creature's thirst became more serious, and without hesitation, two crimson tentacles stretched out from the position of the heart and swept the leaves.

After the   leaf was pulled into its heart by the tentacles, the orange creature began to absorb it frantically.

   A trace of silver light fell from the turquoise leaves, but it did not attract much attention from the orange creatures.

  It has absolute confidence in its undead body.

   In less than a stick of incense, the orange creature's body froze instantly.

   Layers of frost drilled out from the silver light scattered before, and penetrated into the heart of the orange creature, freezing its entire heart little by little.

   As soon as the heart was frozen, the power provided to the whole body to maintain it also froze. Those orange tentacles that were still attacking Feng Chen and others slowed down, and their regeneration ability also weakened a lot.

   When Yu Qingqian was inhaled into the orange creature, a middle-aged man with dark skin appeared outside Midi.

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