After    advanced to the Heling Realm, Yu Qingqian found that his body was filled with a violent force.

   This violent force seemed to break out of the ground, and she couldn't suppress it at all. This was the soul that was about to erupt with the aftermath of the end of the world.

   As if thinking of something, Yu Qingqian compressed the violent force into a small ball.

   When the energy ball was about to explode, Yu Qingqian quickly forced it out of his body.

   A dark green ball flew out from her chest and landed straight on the center of the garlic creature's heart.

  The garlic head creature originally found that the owner who cultivated him was looking for a way to enter here, and a glimmer of hope was born.

   After all, it will take at least half a day for this woman to absorb the remaining nearly 50% of the wood and life essence in her body, which is completely in time.

   But when he felt the dark green ball falling to his heart, the garlic head creature showed a humanized look of complete panic.

   "唧唧!" A shrill shriek sounded like a cry for Xiao Moning's help.

  Xiao Mo Ning, who was guiding the breaking of the ban outside, naturally noticed the scream, his pupils shrank, and he immediately turned his head and roared frantically at the planting masters: "Hurry up and break the formation, or I will kill you all!"

   A group of tattooists are miserable, and now someone deliberately interferes with them with a very mysterious method of prohibition of planting. Xiao Mo Ning also knows this, but now he makes such a request.

   But they looked at Xiao Mo Ning, who was looking like he was going crazy, but they didn't dare to go against it, otherwise they might be killed now.

   This city lord looks gentle and talkative, only they know how cruel and cruel he is.

   Saying that he wants to kill them all is definitely not a threat, but the other party really has this idea.

  These tattoo planters were also lured or directly captured by Xiao Mo Ning in the nine cities. The bloodiness of their bodies had long been wiped out, and they did not dare to resist Xiao Mo Ning, a big pervert.

   "Yes, we do our best!" Everyone accelerated the pace of breaking the ban.

  In the garlic head creature, the dark green ball could not withstand the violence of the energy and exploded directly.

   "Boom!!" Several loud noises and a powerful surging force exploded at the heart of the garlic creature, shattering its heart into countless pieces.

   A crystal clear white energy body flew out from his heart, and Yu Qingqian jumped up and grabbed it directly in his hand.

   But the white energy body is very cunning, slipping directly from her fingertips, and wants to escape directly through the body.

   This is the last remaining wood and life essence of the garlic creature that is less than 50%.

The    heart was directly destroyed, and the garlic head creature condensed the last wood and life essence in desperation and wanted to escape.

   As long as it finds its owner, I believe that the owner will reshape a body for it.

  The white energy body penetrates the body little by little, and can quickly get out.

   Yu Qingqian narrowed his eyes dangerously, and looked down at the corolla that was still glowing on his wrist.

   "Please help me!" she said to Corolla in a consultative tone.

   The corolla suddenly excites a colorful beam, which falls directly on the white energy body that is about to drill out of the body on the opposite side.

The    energy body was covered by the colorful beams. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of the bondage, and was directly imprisoned in place.

  Yu Qingqian rubbed the flower crown on his wrist and smiled, "Thank you!"

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