Xiao Moning kept using various means to get in, but it was all in vain. The vortex teleportation gate seemed to be paralyzed and did not appear at all.

   He scolded the creature he cultivated for thousands of years countless times in his heart at this time. If it wasn't for the **** thing trying to get out of his control and forcibly cutting off his control, how could the current thing happen.

   Xiao Moning was completely on the verge of rage and madness. Not only did he hate those sneakers, he also hated the creatures he cultivated.

   He swears in his heart that as long as he can get in, he will never let that thing go, and he will **** it dry no matter whether it has completely mutated and grown successfully.

   "Go and summon all the tattoo planters in the lord's mansion as quickly as possible." Xiao Moning turned his head with anger and instructed Xiao Shanlong.

   Now there is only one way to forcibly break in, and that is to directly destroy all the planting prohibition formations arranged in the palace, and then there will be a normal door leading to the inside.

   Naturally, it cannot be done by his own strength alone, so he needs assistance.

   Xiao Shanlong nodded: "Yes, uncle, I'll go right now."

   He felt that if he continued to stay here, maybe when his uncle went mad, he would also be affected by the fish pond, and now is the chance to take the opportunity to slip away.

After    finished speaking, Xiao Shanlong took people away from here, leaving only Xiao Moning with a frantic face.

  In the garlic creature, Yu Qingqian didn't know that Xiao Moning outside was going crazy. She was absorbing the wood-type power and life breath in the garlic creature.

  Because of seeing the various phenomena of the enslavement of the dark plants before, Yu Qingqian had a feeling of sadness and anger, and his understanding of the laws of the wood system was greatly improved.

  Yu Qingqian felt that there was a crack in the bottleneck of breaking through to the Heling Realm, and she immediately began to attack by absorbing the power of garlic creatures.

  More than 50% of the wood-type power and life essence of the garlic head creature was absorbed by Yu Qingqian, which has exceeded the limit of its resistance.

   Time passed, Xiao Shanlong summoned all the planters who were cultivating in the lord's mansion. Under the leadership and command of Xiao Moning, the group began to destroy the original planting formation arranged in the entire palace.

  Because of the pattern of the planting pattern and Xiao Moning's guidance, the planting masters worked together to break several flaws in the planting formation, and it only took half an hour to break all of them.

Feng Chen, who was attacking the garlic head creature, immediately felt a sense of it, with a dignified expression on his face, "No, Xiao Moning is here, they are really destroying the entire plant pattern of this palace, once it is broken directly to here.”

   "No matter what, we have to carry it until Qianqian absorbs this creature." Yu Jing's face showed firmness.

   Feng Chen nodded, took back the hand of the creature with garlic head, turned around and walked to the opposite wall, "Daddy, I want to interfere with them breaking the ban now, you help me."

   "Okay!" Yu Jing walked to Feng Chen's side, and the two of them joined forces to interfere and delay the time for each other to break the ban.

  The power of Yu Qingqian in the garlic head creature spread around, and was madly sucked into her dantian.

   Soon, the shackles and bottlenecks between the Heavenly Spirit Realm and the Heling Realm were completely shattered, and Yu Qingqian also entered a new realm level.

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