After driving on the flying boat for a year, and encountered a lot of dangers, the group finally arrived outside the monuments of the ancient battlefield.

  There is a black wasteland all around, and there are some seemingly withered branches separated from the distance. There are no plants that exude the breath of life on the wasteland.

  In the distance, a towering and incomplete stone monument stands straight into the clouds, with a majestic ancient atmosphere, which makes people unable to ignore.

  The top left corner of the stele is missing, and someone in the middle used mental power to write the four characters "Ancient Battlefield".

  Each word contains a different law, just staring at it for a moment will make you dizzy.

   At this time, the vicinity of the ancient battlefield ruins was full of people, either in twos or threes, or alone, or in teams of more than ten people.

   It is relatively rare to be a single individual. The cultivation realm of these people is all in the Spiritual Harmony Realm or Nirvana Realm, and most of them still choose the situation of forming a team.

  The flying boat landed in an open space about a kilometer away from the stone tablet, and Lou Zhan led the group and jumped down.

   As soon as they landed, Yu Qingqian and the others felt like they were deeply immersed in the black soil. Every step required to inject spiritual power into their feet, and it was very laborious.

   "This is the role of the ancient battlefield rules, you can walk freely after a while." Lou Zhan said.

   Yu Qingqian asked curiously, "Has Uncle Lou ever been to the ancient battlefield before?"

   "No, but I have been collecting information on the ancient battlefields a hundred years ago, so I am much more familiar than you little guys."

  Lou Zhan continued with a smile: "It's still a while before the ancient battlefield opens. You should build a place to live nearby to practice first. The gravity here will also help you practice."

   "Okay!" The group agreed.

   Feng Chen's mind moved, and a mobile yard forged with special materials suddenly became larger from the size of a palm and landed not far away.

   "Let's stay inside for a while."

   Feng Li's eyes lit up, "Fake Fairy, your forging skills are really getting higher and higher."

   "You can do it if you want, but your mind is too complicated." Feng Chen said lightly.

   Feng Li pouted: "With your brother here, why should I waste my energy on forging this thing."

   For Feng Chen's brother, Feng Li also became more and more dependent on him from the bottom of his heart.

   "You hurry up and study that secret technique recently. After entering the ancient battlefield, we will accompany you to find a suitable corpse refiner." Feng Chen was very fond and indulgent towards Feng Li.

   "Okay, I like this one!" Feng Li showed great interest in the secret art of corpse refining, even more than for forging and planting patterns.

   In addition, his talent in corpse refining is also unparalleled. In such a short period of time, he has comprehended one third of the secret techniques of corpse refining, and he only needs to find some bones or complete corpses to try.

  Yu Qingqian also passed the secret technique of corpse refining to Sheng Moran, but Sheng Moran's interest and talent in this area are much worse than Feng Li's.

   As time went by, more and more people gathered near the monument of the ancient battlefield.

   From time to time, there will be frequent fighting events.

  Yu Qingqian and his group have Lou Zhan, who has a deep background and a Nirvana cultivation base, so both individuals and teams are very afraid and will not take the initiative to find fault.

   In Yu Qingqian's words, this is the advantage of holding golden thighs. If they were themselves, they would have been robbed or deliberately found fault.

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