Feng Chen saw that Feng Li's love for Yu Qingqian was no longer exposed at all, and he didn't know whether the other party gave up completely or was pressed in his heart.

   But he likes this way of getting along very much, and the younger brother and his wife often bicker and the atmosphere is very warm.

   Feng Chen looked at Feng Li meaningfully and said, "I don't mind letting you hug me."

   Feng Li pouted, "It's okay to hug you, I look at your face and I feel like I'm hugging my son."

   Seeing Feng Chen's little face, he always felt like he was looking in the mirror when he was a child.

  Feng Chen's handsome face was a rare black, "I think you deserve to be beaten!"

   Feng Lisansan smiled: "I'm joking, fake fairy, don't be so stingy."

   Looking at his brother's still dark face, Feng Li immediately asked with a smile, "By the way, when will you give birth to a little meatball to come and play with me?"

   Although he had given up on Yu Qingqian, the love in his heart could not be cut off.

  I thought that if a little meatball was born that merged the blood of his brother and Yu Qingqian, he would be very fond of it.

   "We will be ready to have a child when we get out of the abyss and hell." Feng Chen mentioned the child, his cold brows softened a lot, and there was a lot of anticipation.

  Yu Qingqian said amusingly, "Even if we give birth to a small meat ball, we will play by ourselves. It's not your turn, we have to play on our own."

   "Forget it, I don't even know where the person who helped me make the meatballs is." Feng Li shrugged.

   He felt that he might not have children in his life, because he didn't want to go looking for a woman.

   So he is looking forward to the little meatballs in their lives, and he will love them like his own children.

   Of course, he didn't say that.

   Feng Chen's eyes darkened, but soon returned to normal, "Maybe we will meet soon."

   In any case, he still hopes that his brother can be happy and complete.

   "Let's talk later."

   Feng Li didn't have the intention to meet any woman at all, so he changed the subject and asked, "Brother, what's the matter with you calling me here?"

   Feng Chen handed a round and smooth jet-black stone to Feng Li and said, "There is a secret technique of Qian Qian's grandfather's corpse refining, we guess you might like it."

   Feng Li showed a very surprised look, took the stone curiously and probed into it with spiritual power. He was quickly fascinated by it, and then he was immersed in it.

   "Looks like this guy really likes corpse refining." Yu Qingqian said while rubbing his chin.

  Feng Chen stretched out his hand and rubbed Yu Qingqian's head as if he was a child, "Just if he likes it!"

   "The secret technique of corpse refining is extensive and profound. If Feng Li can master it, the ancient battlefield is a good place to find corpse refining." He said with a gentle smile.

Yu Qingqian rested his head on Feng Chen's arm, "That's right, I heard that there were not only the corpses of strong men of different races in the ancient battlefield, but also the bones of many powerful dark beasts and dark plants. My great-grandfather said that there was once a strong man in history. The corpse-refining talent is extremely strong, and when he goes out, he always brings an army of skeletons, and thinking about that picture is very exciting."

   Feng Chen chuckled: "I hope Feng Li can be so cool one day."

  The two of them didn't disturb Feng Li and immersed in that state, and entered the inner room together.

   After entering the inner room, Yu Qingqian hugged Feng Chen and rubbed his face, and said sweetly, "Sick Beauty, I haven't eaten you for a long time, I miss your taste so much!"

   Feng Chen's eyes were full of helplessness and doting, and he lowered his head and kissed her lips, "If you want to eat, you have to have more than enough energy."

   He also wanted to eat delicious food, but it was a pity that the two of them were too small for words.

  Qianqian, who has become a small dumpling, has no hope if he wants to eat him. No matter what, they will be starved for a while.

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