Yu Qingqian thought of what Yu Jing and Feng Chen were worried about.

   "Father, is the curse you have in your mind lifted by soaking in the fountain of purification laws in the cursed land for nine days?"

  Yu Jing nodded and said, "Yes, as long as the cursed people in the abyss and **** can be solved like this, but the fountain of purification laws in the cursed land is not easy to find, and it is even more dangerous inside, we still need to think about it in the long run."

   "Although it is possible that she was secretly manipulating it, other reasons or other people cannot be ruled out, so we still have to be cautious." He added.

  Yu Qingqian nodded: "When my brother and Feng Li were pulled into the abyss hell, Shi Xi also followed into the abyss hell. If he didn't die, it might be a disaster."

   However, based on Yu Qing's shallow understanding of Shi Xi's temperament, it was impossible for that person to get his father into that kind of ruins, and then send someone in the first city to capture him alive.

  Shi Xi's work is rather dark, but he likes to point directly at the target.

   "By the way, Daddy, don't you still have a clone? Is that clone in the abyss or the Guangluan continent?" Yu Qingqian suddenly remembered this question, and asked.

   Yu Jing laughed: "My body and avatar were temporarily merged due to the curse, so the cultivation base was directly elevated from the Heavenly Spirit Realm to the Spiritual Realm. Only by unlocking the curse on the body can the avatar be transformed again."

  The curse required him not to touch other women, including the avatar, of course, so the avatar originally left in the Guangluan Continent was directly pulled into the ruins and the main body by the power of the curse.

   "There are pros and cons. Although I have been cursed, my cultivation has improved a lot, and I am more guaranteed to roam in the abyss and hell." He added.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen also had to agree with this.

Since they were cursed, although they have become children, the dantian in their bodies may have absorbed and refined the black energy around them due to the influence of the curse. Purifying phagocytosis is almost as fast as absorbing and refining spiritual energy.

   In the more than half a year before they were on the road, they have raised their cultivation base strength to a small level.

   "Does Aunt Lou know about this?" Yu Qingqian looked up at the beautiful father and asked.

   Yu Jing chuckled and rubbed her head: "Of course you know, she said she wanted to accompany me to the cursed land before you went to the abyss."

   "I just didn't expect you three little guys to come to the abyss **** and get cursed, so we can go to the cursed place together."

   A lot has happened since he left the lower interface, but he didn't expect to meet his daughter in the abyss.

  Yu Qingqian thought for a while and asked, "Dad, is Aunt Lou the sister of Lou Zhan, the tenth lord?"

   "Well, Qingqing was actually born in the abyss."

  Yu Jing saw that his daughter was very curious, so he said: "Because her father disappeared back then, her mother suffered the joint plot of his father and other women after giving birth to her, and it was a coincidence that she ended up in the lower four realms of Guangluan mainland."

   "The Lou family in Xiasi happened to be the family where Grandpa Qingqing lived before he got to the abyss of hell, so he stayed in the Lou family for a while."

   "However, her mother died because of the injuries she suffered in the abyss."

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