Yu Jing was not prepared to hide Yu Qingqian and others.

   "After entering the first city, I found that someone was following me. Not long after I left the city, I encountered several waves of people pursuing me. Their purpose was not to kill me, but to capture me alive."

   "Later, I was in distress, and I happened to be rescued by Qingqing, so I was brought back to the first lord's mansion."

   "Do those waves belong to the same force?" Yu Qingqian asked with a frown.

  Daddy didn't offend anyone because he came to the first city. Why would there be several waves of people trying to capture him alive?

  Yu Scenic nodded: "Although they dress differently, I found that they all have the same characteristics, so they should be from the same faction."

   "Dad, have you all been dragged to the abyss in the secret realm?" Feng Chen asked after a moment of thought.

   Yu Jing sighed: "No, the attraction of the crack in the space that was split at that time only acted on me, and it was only me who was pulled into a passage of the abyss."

   Feng Chen guessed: "Could it be that someone deliberately used some kind of secret method to pull Daddy into the abyss and hell?"

   "I think it's very possible." Yu Qingqian said, "Otherwise, after Daddy was introduced to the First City, it would be impossible for someone to follow him and want to capture him alive."

   Yu Jing has long thought about this question, "You are under a curse, I actually have a curse in the ruins, and I also need to go to the cursed land to resolve it."

   "Ah! Daddy, what curse did you get?" Yu Qingqian asked in surprise.

Yu Jing replied: "I was hit with a curse similar to ****. The owner of the ruins is a powerful woman who was abandoned by a man. Although I got her inheritance and a divine sword, I have no idea what to do. She was also cursed by her."

   "The content of the curse is that I can't touch other women except my former wife, otherwise my whole body will fester and die." Yu Jing said bluntly.

   Yu Qingqian frowned deeply, "Dad, as soon as you entered the abyss, you fell into that ruin?"

   "Yes, I always feel that an invisible force is secretly controlling it." Yu Jing pursed his lips.

   Yu Qingqian narrowed his eyes dangerously, "If that's the case, then it's really possible that Daddy was counted into the abyss and **** from the very beginning."

   "Let Daddy not be able to touch other women. If he didn't guess wrong, it could only be one person." Feng Chen thought for a while.

Except for Yu Qingqian's mother, Leng Yujun, there is probably no one else. That woman was pulled into the abyss and **** when she was in the next four realms. She spent the longest time in it. If she encounters a big opportunity, it is entirely possible to do these things .

  Yu Qingqian nodded: "If it's true, it should be that woman."

   "The Leng family was famous for divination back then. That woman's divination skills should not be bad, so I'm afraid she has figured out how to get Dad into the ruins and be cursed by the owner of the ruins."

   Yu Jing sighed again: "I've thought about it, if everything is a plot and not a coincidence, then the person who did such a thing might really be her."

   That woman has always liked to use unscrupulous means, and she was more domineering and powerful. She must not tolerate him touching other women.

   Speaking of Leng Yujun now, Yu Jing's heart did not fluctuate at all. All the feelings in the past have been tossed by the other party long ago, and he can no longer experience feelings and waves.

   Yu Qingqian's face was a little dignified, "If that woman really controlled it, we would be in some trouble."

  If Leng Yujun really has this kind of ability, it means that the chance in the abyss and **** is not small, and the strength or power of the cultivation base is definitely not bad.

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