Feng Chen's painting skills are superb, and Yu Jing's tall and straight image is very clear on paper.

  The man in the cloak took the drawing paper, glanced at it casually, and then took out a fire box, and a cluster of orange flames drilled out and set the whole paper on fire.

  The man in the cloak immediately recited a series of incomprehensible incantations, and it didn't stop until the drawing paper was burnt out.

No one spoke during the period, and after about half an hour, the man in the cloak said, "There are two pieces of information about the person you are looking for, the location of his last appearance. And its news cost a million low-grade dark marrow."

   "Are you buying both, or just one?" The man's voice sounded indifferent.

   Yu Qingqian replied without hesitation: "Buy both."

  The man in the cloak said, "Pay the dark marrow first."

   Yu Qingqian took out the VIP card given on the first floor, and took 1.1 million low-grade dark marrow to the other party.

  The man in the cloak took the dark marrow and raised his hand to point at the place where the piece of paper was burned just now.

   Soon, the ashes of that piece of paper quickly coalesced and formed a mirror.

   Then a picture appeared in the mirror, a man in white clothes with a warm temperament and a handsome appearance, who seemed to be attacked by someone and fell from a mountaintop.

   Seeing this picture, Yu Qingqian's heart tightened, she could recognize at a glance that the person who fell from the top of the mountain was the beautiful father.

   "This is the first news." The man in the cloak naturally noticed Yu Qingqian's nervousness.

   After he finished speaking, he pointed at the mirror again, and soon the image in the mirror changed.

  A huge continuous city appeared in the mirror, and the lens kept zooming out, and finally stopped in one place.

   "This is the second message you want to buy. This location is where the person you are looking for is currently located."

  The man in the cloak paused and said, "Because this place is relatively special, there is a prohibition on planting of supernatural grades, so the situation of the person you are looking for cannot be spied on."

   "This is an accident. I will refund you 300,000 low-grade dark marrow." After speaking, he took out the returned low-grade spiritual marrow and threw it on the table.

  Yu Qingqian looked at the place where he stayed in the mirror and didn't know anything, and asked, "Can you tell me what this place is, senior?"

   "This is part of the message, and I will rub the entire location into a map for you."

  The man in the cloak beckoned, the mirror shattered into countless pieces, and then merged into a piece of animal skin paper, which landed straight in front of Yu Qingqian.

  Yu Qingqian picked it up and looked at it. There was a row of small characters on the place where the beauty's father was, "The tenth lord's mansion outside the first city."

   "The tenth lord's mansion." Yu Qingqian murmured, looking at the man in the cloak and asking, "Senior, according to the picture, is the person we're looking for in the so-called tenth lord's mansion?"

  The man in the cape answered simply: "Yes!"

   "I want to check the news of the tenth lord's mansion. Does it count as the purchase just now?" Yu Qingqian asked again.

The man in the cloak said indifferently: "Naturally, it doesn't count. The news of the tenth lord's mansion needs to be purchased separately and is divided into several levels. I am only responsible for selling the news of finding people. After you go out for a while, let the waiter take them to another floor. Just buy it."

   "Is the person we're looking for from the Thousand Faces Pavilion safe now?" Yu Qingqian thought about it and couldn't help but ask.

  The man in the cape was silent for a moment, "It can be displayed on the message, that person is naturally safe now, but when you find it or what will happen in the future, I can't guarantee it."

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