After walking for about half an hour, several people came to a stone pagoda built with huge and strange boulders.

The surroundings of the    stone pagoda were covered with a layer of faint dark blue fluorescence, and it also exuded a shocking fluctuation of plant pattern prohibition.

  The huge boulder on the top of the stone pagoda looks like a ferocious ghost face, with a soul-stirring feeling.

  Xiao Wu said: "This is the Thousand-faced Pavilion. Don't use your mental power to explore the stone tower, otherwise the power of your soul will be absorbed or devoured by the ghost-faced stone."

   "I'll take you in first."

   "Okay!" Yu Qingqian and the others retracted their gazes from the stone pagoda and followed Xiao Wu.

  The first floor of the stone tower is a very empty space, and there are several prohibition of teleportation plant patterns.

"What kind of news does the young master want to buy? The news of Qianmian Pavilion is divided into four levels, low, medium, and superior. There is also a kind of superior that requires cultivation and identity to reach Qianmian Pavilion before it can be sold." Small five introduction.

   Feng Chen didn't hesitate, "We want to buy the kind of news about finding people first."

  Other news is second, and the most important thing is to find Daddy, Mo Ran and Feng Li.

  Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I take the liberty to ask, what is the cultivation level of the people you are looking for? If it exceeds the Earth Spirit Realm, it is medium, and if it exceeds the United Spirit Realm, it is superior."

   "Medium." Feng Chen replied.

  Xiaowu nodded: "Follow me."

   Immediately, he took out a black jade token in his hand, and took a few people into the third teleportation plant pattern prohibition, and several people were quickly teleported to the third floor of the stone pagoda by the power of the plant pattern.

   Two waiters in gray robes stood not far from the teleportation plant pattern, and took the initiative to come over when they saw Xiao Wushi.

   "What news is Xiao Wu going to bring the guests to buy?" The waiter was a middle-aged man, with a strong yin radiance all over his body.

   Xiao Wu smiled and replied, "My little guests want to find someone."

   The middle-aged man was not surprised, he turned around and said, "Follow me!"

   On the third floor, outside the empty hall where the plant pattern was transmitted, there were several corridors, and a few people followed the middle-aged man into one of the corridors.

   There is a stone gate at the end of the corridor, and the stone gate opens automatically as soon as a few people reach the door.

After    walked in, Yu Qingqian and the others saw a man wearing a black cloak and the same gray robe sitting in the stone house.

   It's just that the gray robe on this man is much higher than the rank of the waiter.

   "Elder, these guests want to buy information about the missing person." The waiter looked at the man in the cloak respectfully.

  The man in the cloak said in a hoarse voice: "If you are looking for someone, stay, and other unrelated people will go out and wait first."

  Lin Mingze turned around and raised his eyebrows to look at the curious Seahorse and Da, "Let's go out first."

   Da had no objection, but the seahorse beast was a little reluctant. He was curious in his heart, but he didn't dare to provoke the little pervert and the little devil, so he could only follow Lin Mingze out.

   Then the middle-aged man and Xiao Wu also withdrew, leaving only Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian, and the stone gate slowly closed.

  The man in the cloak looked at the two and asked straight to the point: "Write down the name, characteristics, cultivation, or useful information of the person you are looking for."

   He pushed a pen and paper in front of the two of them, "It would be best if you could draw a face."

  The paper and pen are very extraordinary, and it is specially made at first glance, and it is also engraved with very complicated high-grade planting patterns.

   Feng Chen thought about it, picked up a pen and paper, drew the face of the beautiful father, and wrote on the paper his name, cultivation base, and how he got to the abyss.

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