The three of them use the maximum space and spiritual power to act on the boat.

   Blessed the boat together, and soon the ivory-white boat turned into a stream of light and rushed out, teleporting and disappearing in this sea area.

   There was a bit of disdain in the eyes of the big whale king, like playing a game of cat and mouse, diving into the deep sea, and the entire huge body disappeared into the deep sea where it was.

   When he reappeared, he landed directly behind the boat, and a tail sweep knocked the boat over.

   Several people regrouped on the boat and continued to flee for their lives.

   King Whale didn't seem to be playing enough. Every time he caught up, he didn't kill them directly, but seriously injured a few people and made them run away again.

   After more than ten times of chasing and fleeing like this, the whale king began to lose his fun, and his whole body exuded a strong coercion, ready to kill a few people.

   Feng Chen's eyes showed some determination, and he said to Yu Qingqian and Lin Mingze, "He's impatient, we use secret techniques to escape."

"it is good!"

   Yu Qingqian's eyes also glowed with a hint of scarlet, using a secret escape technique given to her by her great-grandfather to burn the essence and blood in her body.

   Feng Chen used the method of backlash to increase the speed on the boat.

  Lin Mingze had an extra bone back behind him, consuming the soul power in his body to bless the boat.

  The seahorse does not have such a secret technique of escape, so he can only take care of the unconscious Ah Da and prevent him from falling into the sea.

   At the moment when the big whale king slammed down, the boat suddenly burst out with the blessing of the three-person secret technique and disappeared directly into the sea.

   King Whale's heavy blow was also in vain.

   There was a bit of surprise in his eyes, and then he was furious, knowing that he had been tricked by several aliens.

   So the huge figure disappeared again, and followed the breath of the boat and the space orbit to teleport to chase.

   It was only this time that he used all his strength to catch up with the boat, and then he launched the innate supernatural power in a rage.

  The three of Yu Qingqian had no choice but to continue to use the secret technique to bless the boat to escape, but they were still affected by the aftermath of the innate supernatural power of the whale king. After the boat disappeared and teleported out, several people above were seriously injured again.

   Fortunately, the potions prepared by Yu Qingqian were of high purity and had a large number of bottles. She kept holding potions to replenish her spiritual power, and then treated herself, Feng Chen and Lin Mingze.

  Hippocampus and Ada were also affected and injured, and Yu Qingqian also lost the healing technique for one person and one beast.

   Feng Chen was helpless, so he could only activate a defensive treasure sent by the Yun Clan to protect the boat. Although the boat was hit hard when the big whale king chased after him, it completely removed the power of the Spiritual Realm.

   But after three times, that defensive treasure is automatically scrapped.

   Then Yu Qingqian took out the defense treasure sent by his great-grandfather to bless him.

   A landscape of escape and pursuit was formed on the sea of ​​blood.

  When Yu Qingqian's defensive treasure failed, the distance between the whale king and the boat was gradually lengthened.

   However, the side effects and overdraft of the three people using the secret technique are also huge.

When the    defensive treasures were used up, the whale king was completely irritated and crazy by several people, and launched his strongest blow when he approached the boat for the last time.

   "It's over, it seems that I can only use the concentric order." Yu Qingqian sighed as she watched a group of intense black light energy fly towards the boat.

   It is a shame to use a treasure that resists the cultivation of Nirvana to resist the attack of the Spiritual Realm!

   But there is no way, who made the three of them so unlucky recently, either they encountered the inexplicable tail-wiping of the dragon in the eternal realm, or they were cursed by the sea of ​​blood, and then inexplicably provoked the whale king in the harmony realm.

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