It was a calm day, and the three of them were inexplicably relieved when they saw that they were about to leave the horizon.

   Encountering a sea beast at the peak of the Celestial Spirit Realm is difficult, but there is a chance of winning, but if you encounter a sea beast king in the Spiritual Realm, it will be troublesome.

  When the boat just reached the limit of the most dangerous range, suddenly the originally calm sea kept surging, the sunny weather became extremely gloomy, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and lightning flashed.

  The speed and amplitude of the waves are getting bigger and bigger, and the boat seems to be overturned at any time by the waves of big waves.

   The face of the seahorse beast changed greatly, "No, the whale king is here!"

   Such a sudden sea vision can only be created by a sea beast king who has cultivated in the spiritual realm.

  The Seahorse Beasts did not expect that they would be so unlucky, they had to leave this area, but they encountered the Great Whale King unexpectedly.

   The expressions of the four Yu Qingqian also changed, and they were all ready to use their hole cards.

  Before leaving the Guangluan Continent, Yu Changfeng and the Yun Clan both prepared cards for Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen to deal with or defend against the attacks of the powerful people in the Spiritual Realm.

   It’s just that the hole card is mainly used to escape, and it’s gone when it is used, and the two of them will only use it when they are forced to.

   For a moment, the sea not far away became maddened, and the shadow of a huge sea beast slowly appeared in the eyes of several people.

The    sea beast is over 10,000 meters long, and a column of water spewing from its body is taller than a mountain.

"You despicable aliens, you dare to kill the sons of this king. Today I will cramp and skin you." He spat out the words of coercion from the mouth of the huge sea beast, and his whale tail swept straight towards the boat. Come.

   Only then did the few people react, and it is estimated that there was a descendant of this great whale king among the sea beasts in the Heavenly Spirit Realm that attacked them before.

  Lin Mingze watched the gigantic whale tail swept towards him, and frowned fiercely, "I really hate these creatures, I just swipe their tails at every turn."

   He controlled the boat and avoided this tail sweep of the whale king, but he also completely angered the other party.

  The Great Whale King quickly spread the dark evil spirit all over his body, and used his advantage in the sea to continuously attack several people.

  Ada's cultivation base was the lowest, so Yu Qingqian threw him to the seahorse beast and asked it to protect him for one or two.

  The three of them are doing their best to deal with the whale king.

   But it was very unfortunate that the opponent's cultivation base was in the late stage of the Spiritual Harmony Realm, and Lin Mingze was knocked over and sank to the bottom of the sea in two rounds.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were the same, in front of their absolute strength, both of them were seriously injured and shot to the bottom of the sea.

   Seeing this, the seahorse beast had only one thought, it wanted to transform into its main body and escape.

But what makes him want to cry without tears and drive him crazy is that after taking Yu Qingqian's potion, he can't change into his body for the time being, so together with A Da, he was swept again by the whale king and overturned by the boat and fell into the deep sea. middle.

   In the deep sea, all three of Yu Qingqian were seriously injured, and they were completely powerless to resist the attack of the whale king.

   "Escape, use the blessing of secret techniques to escape this sea area." Feng Chen's voice sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness of Yu Qingqian and Lin Mingze.

  Yu Qingqian used the wood-based healing ability to repair his injuries, and at the same time lost two healing spells to heal the two of them.

  Then the three of them quickly assembled, and Feng Chen wrapped a long silver chain around the unconscious Ah Da.

  Lin Mingze had already refined the boat, and the boat, which was knocked over in a single move, reloaded several people at a very fast speed.

  The dantian in the seahorse beast was banned by Lin Mingze, and he drank Yu Qingqian's potion, so he could only force himself to swim on the boat with a few people to bless and escape.

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