Lin Mingze's secret technique in his heart was very powerful. It not only implied that he should act according to a certain exposed temperament and behavior, but also implied that he was the strength of that cultivation base.

  Once a hint is given, no matter what, it will never show a higher strength than the implied cultivation base, even if the Emperor of Nirvana Realm comes, it will never be seen.

   Therefore, although the opponent controls the initiative here, he is still fooled.

   Daoist Xuehai was furious, and repeatedly triggered the ban on planting patterns arranged in the palace.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen got out of the black circle at this moment, and they attacked together to break the prohibition of planting patterns inspired in the palace.

   This also changed Daoist Blood Sea's face again. He didn't expect these people to be so cunning and hide so much strength.

   If he knew that the three of them not only had a corpse refiner who had cultivated at the late stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, but also two masters of planting patterns of the earth grade, he would never have attacked the three of them.

   "Let's go, the method of lifting the curse of the sea of ​​​​blood is to compensate you." The Daoist of the sea of ​​​​blood was directly scratched by Lin Mingze, and he couldn't help but open his mouth.

   Yu Qingqian raised her eyebrows, "It's okay if you want us to go, you let all those refined souls go."

  The souls that are refined in the furnace are not only outsiders, but there are also many babies and dead children. Yu Qingqian is not a good person, but since he encounters it, he cannot just sit back and ignore it.

   What's more, this time, the other party planned to take their lives first, and now they can't beat them and want to let them stop, how is it possible.

   Sure enough, Daoist Xuehai looked gloomy when he heard his words, and shouted: "Don't think about it!"

   The soul in the refining furnace will be fully refined in just a few days. At that time, as long as he swallows it, he will be able to advance to the cultivation level of the middle stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm. How can he let it go.

   "Then go to hell." Lin Mingze's attack became more and more ruthless.

   Daoist Blood Sea showed a wicked look in his eyes, and directly transformed into most of his body, exactly the same as the half-human, half-beast on the portrait enshrined by the village chief before.

After    transformed into his main body, his strength increased a little bit, and he was able to avoid several heavy blows from Lin Mingze, but he was also injured.

   The scarlet color in Lin Mingze's eyes was even more intense, and he was about to take a heavy blow. Suddenly, the space behind him fluctuated. Two pairs of scaled hands stretched out from the space and shot directly at Lin Mingze.

   Lin Mingze did not turn around, but still gathered his strength to smack Daoist Xuehai, but two more figures appeared in front of the two hands to stop his attack.

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were able to use their abilities and special talents after they were promoted to the Earth Spirit Realm to be able to fight beyond the level.

  The two blood sea monsters saw that their attack was blocked by two children in the earth spirit realm, and walked out of the space directly. They were the other two so-called sea gods on the portrait worshipped by the village chief.

   Soon, the three of Yu Qingqian fought with the three blood sea monsters.

  Lin Mingze made a deadly move, killing the Daoist Blood Sea within half a stick of incense.

   Although Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were unable to seriously injure or kill the two blood sea monsters in the early days of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, they were able to resist the opponent's attack and buy time for Lin Mingze.

   Sure enough, after Lin Mingze killed the Blood Sea Daoist, he immediately turned around and faced the blood sea monster that was fighting Yu Qingqian.

   With the assistance of Yu Qingqian, it took less than half a column of incense to kill him.

   The other blood-sea monster that was caught by Feng Chen's face changed drastically, and he no longer wanted to fight. He turned around and tore open the space and got in to try to escape.

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