Yu Qingqian found that this person was not only a high priest and a sea god, but also a big pervert.

   A look of disgust appeared on Feng Chen's face, "You **** sea monster pretending to be the sea **** and the high priest has been in the village for many years, and it's time to end it!"

   Daoist Blood Sea was stunned again, and looked at Feng Chen fiercely, "You can actually see my body? Who the **** are you?"

   He didn't even recognize the Nirvana realm powerhouse he had ever met. How did this kid find out?

   Feng Chen smiled lightly: "You started the two waves of beasts that besieged Bloodmist Village the day before yesterday. Yours should be to test our true strength, but it also exposed your identity."

  Being able to tell that the opponent is a sea monster, in addition to having a special talent for judgment, Feng Chen also guessed it.

Those **** sea monsters are under control at first glance, and one wave is killed and another wave is more powerful, then it is not at all to deal with the villagers of the blood fog village, the real purpose is to come to them of.

   "Hmph, I didn't expect you to be so smart." Daoist Blood Sea snorted coldly: "But smart people are short-lived."

   Daoist Xuekai immediately patted the armrest on which he sat down, and suddenly a black circle of light spread from the ground and enveloped the three of them.

   The black aperture exudes a soul-sucking power that acts on the three of them, as if the souls of people will be pulled out at any time.

  In the past, those outsiders were also drawn into the furnace by recruiting their souls.

  Unfortunately, the three of Yu Qingqian have always been vigilant against each other and are proficient in planting patterns, so although they were enveloped in them, the absorbing power did not immediately absorb the power of the three people's souls.

   Small whirlpools appeared around Fengchen, swallowing up all the special powers that acted on the three of them.

  Lin Mingze's eyes were scarlet, the four small tiger teeth became extremely sharp, and his fingernails also became a small section.

   Daoist Xuehai was still proud and complacent, but he was completely stunned to see this situation, "How is it possible? You are not a living alien but a corpse refining."

  Lin Mingze tore open a hole and got out first, without answering the other party's words, he directly attacked Daoist Blood Sea.

   Daoist Blood Sea has stayed here for many years, and he is a monster bred in the sea of ​​blood. Although his cultivation base has only broken through the Heavenly Spirit Realm not long ago, his strength is very strong, and he can spontaneously absorb the rich dark atmosphere around him.

  Lin Mingze was a late-stage Celestial Spirit Realm cultivation base, even if the opponent's strength was much stronger than the average early Celestial Spirit Realm cultivation base, he still pressed the opponent to fight.

   Daoist Blood Sea and Lin Mingze were defeated and retreated after the battle, with an unbelievable look in their eyes, "You actually hid so much cultivation before, **** it."

   He really drove the tide of blood sea monsters to test the three of them, but it was clear that the strength that this corpse refiner showed at the beginning was only the pinnacle of the Earth Spirit Realm, and now it has become the late Heaven Spirit Realm, which is simply too hateful.

  Lin Mingze's cute steamed bun revealed a strange and evil smile, "If you don't hide your cultivation, how can you take the initiative to catch us?"

  If their strength is stronger than this monster, then the opponent will either lay a powerful trap to deal with them, or they will simply give up trying to catch them, how can they allow such a thing to happen.

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