The three of them suddenly closed the door behind them without showing much surprise.

   Qi Qi looked towards the highest part of the hall, and saw a middle-aged man in a white Taoist robe sitting at the top.

  The decoration style in the hall is different from the outside, but it still has a sense of luxury.

   The most striking thing is that there is a large furnace on the side of this hall, and there is a blue flame that is slowly burning in the furnace.

The    three people were also attracted by the furnace. They sensed that there were actually many souls locked in the furnace and burned by a special kind of flame.

   "Three guests, please sit down!" The middle-aged man pointed to the next three seats.

   His appearance was not the same as the villagers Yu Qingqian and the three had met before. Instead, his skin was very fair and he had a pair of beards. His appearance was neither handsome nor ugly.

   Yu Qingqian and the three wanted to see what trick the other party was going to play, so they walked to the seat pointed by the other party and sat down.

   As soon as I sat down, a small low table slowly rose from the empty ground in front of me, with a jug and some black fruit on it.

  The Wuguo in the abyss is the same as the spiritual fruit in the Guangluan Continent.

  Lin Mingze was the first to reach out and pick up the jug and poured three glasses of wine. He picked up one of the glasses and found that it was a wine made from a relatively high-quality black fruit, and took a sip.

   "Good wine, thank you for your hospitality!" He raised his glass and said with a smile to the middle-aged man at the top.

   Even though Lin Mingze still looked like a cute child at this time, the evil spirit and scarlet eyes radiating from his whole body gave him a sense of evil and strangeness.

Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen took a sip from the wine glasses in front of them. The taste was completely different from the wine brewed by spirit fruit. Both of them could absorb the dark aura now, so as soon as the wine was drunk, their dantian started to operate to count the dark aura in it. Absorb refining.

   The middle-aged man said with a smile: "The three fellow Taoists have come from afar, and they naturally have to fulfill the friendship of the landlord."

   "Daoist friend must have been waiting for us for a long time." Feng Chen shook the wine glass, looked at the middle-aged man with a half-smile and said, "Why don't you introduce yourself first?"

   The middle-aged man laughed loudly: "This little friend really can't wait!"

   "Then let me introduce myself."

There was a bit of arrogance between his eyebrows, and the dark evil spirit exuded from his whole body was very deep, and even had a dark and cruel aura, "You stayed in the village for so many days, and you kept asking for news, You must already know that I exist."

   "To be honest with the three, the next one is the high priest you are looking for. You can call me the Blood Sea Daoist."

   Feng Chen said indifferently: "The Taoist knows what we are talking about."

   "Naturally, I know that the outsiders who have always visited me are all cursed by the sea of ​​blood, and you are looking to me for a way to remove them." The Daoist of the sea of ​​blood replied as a matter of course.

   Fengchen nodded: "Yes, then I would take the liberty to ask, have those outsiders found the answer they were looking for?"

   Daoist Blood Sea raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I'm not here for charity. If you want to ask the answer, you will have to pay a price. As long as you are willing to pay the corresponding price, they will definitely be able to find the answer they want."

   Feng Chen chuckled: "Then I don't know what the price will be for asking about the solution to the curse of the sea of ​​blood?"

   Hearing Feng Chen's question, the sea of ​​blood laughed again: "Haha, the price of asking about the curse of the sea of ​​blood is very high, I'm afraid you will not be willing to pay."

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