When we were about to reach the top of the mountain, the originally white mist was replaced by a layer of reddish mist that spread throughout the forest.

  Yu Qingqian looked at the miasma in front of him with a bit of interest, and took a few steps forward.

   stretched out his hand and put it in the reddish mist, and soon wisps of mist penetrated into her body without absorbing it.

   As soon as the mist entered his body, Yu Qingqian could determine whether the mist was poisonous and how deep the poison was.

   Refining the poisonous mist that had penetrated into his body, Yu Qingqian turned his head to look at Feng Chen and Lin Mingze with a smile and said, "Let's go."

  The two of them walked forward with Yu Qingqian.

  Lin Mingze is a corpse refiner, so the poisonous gas that penetrates into his body does not have much effect.

  The surrounding space of Fengchen fluctuated slightly, and a force of devouring formed, and the poisonous mist was swallowed up without a trace as soon as it approached his body.

   "The poison in this poisonous fog is not as powerful as the poisonous fog formation in Xuanyougu. It seems that the high priest should not be the power of the Spiritual Realm." Yu Qingqian transmitted a voice to the two.

  Lin Mingze Steamed Bun smiled, revealing two cute tiger teeth, "I can sense that mental power, the other party's cultivation level is not as good as mine, the three of us together have no big problem to deal with."

   "I vaguely sensed two very subtle breaths hiding somewhere on the top of the mountain. We have to guard against a sudden attack." Feng Chen has a special innate ability, so he is very keen in some perceptions.

  Lin Mingze was stunned for a while. He carefully sensed it and didn't notice the two subtle breaths Feng Chen said, but he believed what the other party said, "Junior brother is also very sensitive to breath perception!"

   Fengchen smiled: "I just got the blessing of my special talent."

   The three passed through the miasma forest and reached the top of the mountain all the way.

  I saw a palace that looked gloomy and mysterious at the highest point on the top of the mountain. Planting patterns were placed around the palace.

  If the cultivation level is lower than the human spirit realm, the palace will not be seen because of the restrictions placed around it. It is estimated that several village chiefs do not know that there is a palace here.

   Approaching the palace, the spiritual power became clearer and clearer.

   "Haha, there are three other Taoist friends coming as guests, please come in!"

   Suddenly, a hearty laughter lingered in the ears of Yu Qingqian and the three. The prohibition outside the palace was automatically removed, and the gate of the palace opened automatically, but no one could be seen.

  Yu Qingqian raised her eyebrows, sneering in her heart and pretending to be a ghost.

  The three of them had excellent psychological qualities, and walked into the palace without changing their expressions.

   It's just that they didn't expect to see the gloomy and mottled palace outside, and the interior was decorated with splendor and even a sense of luxury.

  The stones on the ground exude a thick black aura, and it can be seen that it should be made of precious spar that belongs to the abyss.

  The halls of the palace are mainly made of pure gold, and most of the decorations are from the deep sea, and the dark atmosphere exuding is very pure, which also represents very precious and extraordinary.

   In the Guangluan Continent, the stronger the aura, the better, and in the abyss and hell, the stronger the dark aura, the better.

   The three walked deep into the hall, and a door leading to the front suddenly opened.

   "Since the three guests are here, please come in for a drink." The voice came from the inner door again.

   The three of Yu Qingqian looked at each other and walked directly towards the door without being polite.

   As soon as he entered the door that was just opened, the door behind him closed automatically, and a deep dark aura spread around him.

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