Ada didn't want to hide the three, so he talked roughly.

"Blood sea monsters are sea beasts that climb out of the abyss in the sea about 10,000 meters away from the sea of ​​​​blood. They are very ferocious and brutal. They will raid villages every 10 to 20 years. "

   "What kind of cultivation strength are those sea monsters in general?" Yu Qingqian asked.

  Ada replied: "Most of them are around the spiritual emperor. Most of the leaders are spiritual saints. Occasionally, there will be blood sea monsters with spiritual masters."

   "You see that there are more women and children in each of our villages, because many adult men are eaten by blood sea monsters as food." There was a bit of sadness in Ah Da's eyes.

  The people in the village are not very powerful, and the village chiefs of each village are only spiritual, so there is a huge disparity in their strength to fight against the sea monsters.

   It's just that those blood sea monsters are smarter, and they evacuated after eating only a part of the confrontation. They would come back after a decade or two, and keep them in captivity as if they were food.

  The three of them didn't take Ada's words to heart. For them, the blood sea monsters of Lingsheng and Lingzun could kill a bunch of them with one hand.

   "Ah! The blood sea monster is here!" Suddenly one person shouted.

   A Da and the others immediately took precautions and held their weapons at the entrance of the village.

   Soon the village chief came from the end of the village and led many other villagers from Bloodmist Village, each with a weapon in his hand.

   The other villagers who came to support were all adults. When they saw the three beautiful and delicate children, they were all stunned, and then showed a look of fear.

   It could be seen that the village where Yu Qingqian and the others lived had a slightly better attitude towards outsiders, while other villages were very repulsive.


   There was a sudden scream of beast roar, and everyone saw that outside the fence at the entrance of the village, there were huge blood sea monsters of various colors roaring and crawling, and each of them had a thick and brutal aura of darkness.

   The village chief's face was solemn, and a crimson light radiated from his body, and he shouted: "Everyone pick up weapons and rush with me, today either we die or the blood sea monsters die!"

   After finishing speaking, the village chief held a dark red staff, and then released a few dark plants to take the lead in rushing towards the blood sea monster.

   Seeing that the village chief rushed up without hesitation, very few other villagers summoned their own dark plants, and most of them took out their weapons and rushed towards the blood sea monster.

  Lin Mingze had been staying in the stone house for the past few days, so he was a little curious to see the village chief and the villagers release a bond similar to a spiritual plant.

   He folded his hands and asked, "Isn't the plant they released a spiritual plant?"

   Those plants exude a dark and sinister aura, and they have nothing to do with Lingzhi.

  Yu Qingqian nodded: "In the abyss and hell, spiritual planters are called dark planters, and they are also secret planters."

   "I heard that there are relatively few dark planters, and the most abyss **** is the body temperer."

   In Guangluan Continent, there are not many body quenchers who have cultivated to the high level, and they are still mainly spiritual planters, and the mainstream of society is also spiritual planters.

   On the contrary, in the abyss hell, body quenchers can absorb the dark elements in the air to enhance their physique. The number of dark plants on this interface is very rare, so body quenchers occupy the mainstream of society.

   However, the position of the dark planter in the abyss and **** is relatively high. After all, only the dark planter can become a pharmacist and a pattern planter.

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