The reason why the village chief is aware of the result of the blood sea curse is from an outsider who once stayed in the blood fog village.

  The outsider became an old man. I don’t know if he experienced too much right and wrong outside, but he wanted to live a peaceful life, so he stayed in Bloodmist Village.

   It was only a hundred years later that the curse on his body broke out completely, and then he aged even more rapidly, and finally, the breath of life passed away and he died directly.

   After hearing about it, Yu Qingqian did not suspect that the other party was lying to her, because she also felt that once the power of the dantian in her body erupted, it would endanger her life.

   Therefore, the lurking danger like this must be resolved, otherwise they will really fall into the abyss and **** and cannot get out.

   Not only Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, but also Lin Mingze, who was cursed by the sea of ​​blood, could not escape.

   Lin Mingze's Steamed Bun's face wrinkled, "Don't let me catch that dead dragon, or else I'll have to peel him off."

   If it weren't for the dead dragon sweeping their location with its tail, they wouldn't have encountered a space storm and spread to this place where birds don't shit, what else would they be cursed.

  Yu Qingqian said amusingly: "The cultivation base of that giant dragon feels very powerful. It should be the cultivation base of the Eternal Realm no matter what. Brother, if you want to peel its skin, you need to practice harder."

  Although she also had a feeling of wanting to cramp and peel the dead dragon, but there was really no way to do it, the other party was too strong, and he already belonged to the kind of existence to look up to.

  Lin Mingze rolled his eyes, "I'll just talk about it."

   "By the way, what are the portraits enshrined in the village chief's house, have you heard?" Lin Mingze thought for a while and asked.

  Yu Qingqian nodded: "It is said that it is the sea **** in the sea of ​​blood. The high priest asked every village to make a sacrifice. It seems to be sacrificed every few years."

   "As for the sacrifice, the population in the village is quite tight, and I have no news."

  Yu Qing paused and said, "It's just that I always think that the high priest is a big problem. We should do more preparations and then find someone."

"That's what I thought too. When the time comes, when you deploy some poison, Feng Chen and I will do our best to cooperate. If the opportunity is wrong, we will immediately capture the person. I have a way to make him speak the truth." Lin Mingze exuded a malevolent aura. , a flash of scarlet flashed across his eyes.

  Yu Qingqian also agrees with that. If the other party wants to hook them, then the purpose will definitely not be pure and even endanger their lives, so don't blame them for being rude.

  The three of them were chatting, when a riot suddenly erupted in the village.

   "Blood sea monsters have attacked the village, everyone will gather at the entrance of the village." Da's voice kept ringing.

   The three of Yu Qingqian glanced at each other and walked out of the stone house without any hesitation.

   At this time, the entrance of the village was already full of villagers, and many people saw a ray of hope.

Ah Da saw that the three of them also walked over quickly, with a somewhat pleading tone, "Sorry to the three, now there is a blood sea monster coming from the beach, if there is a big disaster in the village for a while, please also ask the three Do yourself a favor."

   Feng Chen nodded, "It's no problem to help, after all, we are rewarded for disturbing for a few days."

   "But what is the blood sea monster? Tell us about it first."

   Ah Da was finally relieved when he heard that the three of them would help. If the three of them made a move, they would relieve a lot of pressure.

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