Old Ancestor Gu couldn't help but have a headache. If the two little guys were really influenced by Gu He, then he would have to be killed by Yu Changfeng's fellow man.

  Yu Qingqian saw Old Ancestor Gu's face change and explained, "We have been thinking about this for a long time, and even before we heard that Senior Brother Gu He was going to enter the abyss and hell, we decided to go for it."

   Old Ancestor Gu knew that it was impossible for the two little guys to lie to him about this kind of thing, "Then have you told Yu Changfeng about this?"

   "I haven't said it yet, we are going to send a message to the great-grandfather before the abyss opens." Yu Qingqian pursed her lips.

  Although his great-grandfather didn't like stability, he didn't know why he instinctively felt that the other party would not agree with them going to the abyss, so he didn't tell them before.

  If there is no brother and Feng Li's concern in the abyss and hell, it doesn't matter whether they go or not, but now no matter what difficulties ahead can't stop their determination to go.

   Old Ancestor Gu sighed when he saw the firm expressions of the two of them: "I knew that Yu Changfeng definitely didn't know, otherwise he would have agreed with you to take such a risk."

   "Let me tell you the truth, Gu He is my direct grandson. The last time the abyss was opened, I was the one who blocked him from going there. I just didn't expect that kid to persist."

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were both stunned. They knew that Gu He had a deep background in the Guiyuan Sect, but they did not expect that Gu Laozu was actually his grandfather.

   "Then did senior agree to Senior Brother Gu going to the abyss this time?" Feng Chen asked.

   Bringing this matter up, Old Ancestor Gu had a headache, "What else can I do if I don't agree? That dead boy is just a muscle."

   "Tai Shang Patriarch, didn't you learn from the abyss and hell? Why do you want to stop Senior Brother Gu?" Yu Qingqian then asked.

   Gu Old Ancestor swept the two people and said meaningfully: "Do you think the abyss **** is so easy to break into? It was luck that I was able to come back back then, otherwise I would definitely die or fall into the abyss **** forever."

   "Luck is also a part of strength." Yu Qing said lightly.

Old Ancestor Gu looked at Yu Qingqian with a grumpy smile, "Why are you a girl? In addition to the harsh and dangerous environment in that place, there are also many dangers from the surrounding people. If you want to get out of the abyss, you must go through After passing through nine cities and going out from the last city, you can tear open the void and return to the Guangluan Continent.

   "I was in the ninth city because I formed a team with an alien boy, relying on his many special abilities."

"The spiritual energy around the abyss and **** is very thin, and it is surrounded by a kind of dark aura. It is more than ten times more difficult to advance to the Heavenly Spiritual Realm when entering the Earth Spiritual Realm than in the Guangluan Continent. Come out of the abyss and hell."

   "I also felt more and more difficult to cultivate when I arrived at the Earth Spirit Realm. The talent is far from yours. In addition to some personal reasons, I thought of going to the abyss and hell. At that time, I had put my life aside."

   "The rumors outside are not exaggerated. Whether it is a disciple who has entered the abyss or a disciple who has been punished, it is not bad that one out of a thousand people can come out."

   Gu Old Ancestor paused and said, "You two little guys are so talented, it's not too difficult for your potential to break through the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Why go to that kind of place to experience."

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