In addition to upgrading his cultivation to the Earth Spirit Realm, Yu Qingqian also plans to regenerate Xiaojiuyunyang and germinate and blossom.

  The ancestors of Tingyin Pavilion had to use a special method to re-establish a contract in order to seize the seeds of Xiaojiu, but Yu Qingqian did not need it. There was a contractual relationship between them.

   Old Ancestor Gu knew that although the two were noisy, they were actually very calm and reserved, and knew when to be public and when to be low-key.

   "It's good that you can always see where you are."

He paused and said, "Before you even attended the Three Dao Exchange Conference, the other high-level officials of Zongmen and I had already arranged a plan for you to focus on training. Now your performance in the Three Dao Exchange Conference is too outstanding. The previous plan seemed very thin."

"Asura Peak and Baiwu Mountain Villa both offered conditions when they recruited you, allowing you to be inner sect disciples and enjoy elite privileges. Our Guiyuan Sect is not a sect that only follows the rules blindly. It depends on the situation how to reward you. "

"So after returning to the sect, I will arrange for you to directly become inner sect disciples, enjoy the privileges of elite disciples, and give you half a year's authority to enter the sect's secret pavilion to read all the books, which is your time this time. A reward for contributing to the sect."

Since    is used as a reward, I believe that the senior officials and disciples of the conservative faction in the sect will not be able to say anything against it.

   "Yes, many thanks to the old ancestor!" The two were not arrogant in front of the ancestor Gu because of the master Gu Yan, and their attitudes were still the same as before.

   Old Ancestor Gu has become more and more appreciative of and optimistic about the two of them. No matter what background the two have, they are still disciples of their Guiyuan Sect.

   "By the way, Tingyin Pavilion has your master, and we will leave Guiyuanzong alone for the time being."

Gu Laozu's eyes showed a bit of coldness and continued: "But the old man Bai of Baiwu Mountain Villa dares to do the same thing in Xuanyou Valley, then we will definitely ask Baiwu Mountain Villa for an explanation, you can rest assured on this point. ."

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen replied with a smile: "We believe in the sect and the ancestors."

Guiyuanzong is famous for protecting the shortcomings of the major sects. This time, Old Ancestor Gu was able to come to them in person, and when he knew that the old woman was a half-step Nirvana realm, he pursued it as if he was looking back. Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen had a more sincere sense of belonging to Guiyuan Sect.

   When they first arrived in the lower realm, the master fell into a deep sleep, and the great-grandfather did not know each other. They originally wanted to find a place to live to slowly understand the upper realm, so they chose the Guiyuan sect where the master was.

   However, the longer they stayed in the sect, the stronger their sense of belonging, after all, the sect master and other high-level officials were very good to them from the beginning.

  Yu Qingqian remembered what he had heard before, and couldn't help but looked up at Old Ancestor Gu and asked, "Old Ancestor Taishang, can I ask you about the abyss and hell?"

   Old Ancestor Gu paused with his hand holding the teacup, surprised, "Abyss Hell? Don't you want to go to abyss **** to experience it?"

   Otherwise, how could it be possible to inquire about the abyss and hell.

   Yu Qingqian and the two nodded: "Yes, we are going to go in and experience when the abyss **** opens."

   "Have you just thought about this, or have you thought about it for a long time?"

   Gu Patriarch thought for a while and asked, "Isn't he influenced by that kid Gu He?"

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