But after investigating the poison in the boy's body, Yu Qingqian found that what he saw before was just the appearance.

   His age-like appearance was entirely caused by the erosion of toxins.

  The boy and Yu Changfeng were stunned when they heard Yu Qingqian's words, obviously they didn't expect her to see this.

  Yu Changfeng just told Yu Qingqian that his friend had two kinds of poisons in his body before, which was called no solution in the world, but he never mentioned the details of his friend's poisoning.

   That's why he showed a very surprised expression.

  The young man knew Yu Changfeng's temperament, so he probably wouldn't have told the little girl about his poison in detail before he came, and seeing his amazed expression confirmed his guess.

   To be honest, he was also very surprised.

He once went to Zhongtian Realm and asked two very powerful pharmacists and therapists to see it, but the other party could only see that he was infected with two types of poisons with opposite properties, and he didn't even say any poisons. , and then came to the conclusion that there is no detoxification.

   "Yes, my appearance is not what it is now, little girl, what you see, you can say it all, I don't have any taboos." The young man said gently.

Yu Qingqian nodded and said, "I found out that the poison in your body, senior, has been around for 10,000 years. I guess your original appearance should be mainly the older one. That age group for what it looks like outside."

   Seeing the young man nodding with a smile, Yu Qingqian continued: "But because of the two diametrically opposed and opposing properties in your body, your greatest physical potential is stimulated, so your cultivation or comprehension will be very fast."

"But after a long time, the disadvantages will come out. The two conflicting toxins are entangled in the body, and they want to devour each other, but the power is balanced, so your lifespan begins to decline. If it weren't for the fact that every once in a while With that kind of fusion of toxins, maybe you have at most ten years to live, senior."

  Yu Qing paused for a while, "If it's a big deal, maybe it's possible that the senior is not in the world now."

   "No problem, I've seen through life and death, and I don't mind your straightforward words." The young man smiled when he saw Yu Qingqian's scruples.

Yu Qingqian nodded and continued: "As the lifespan continues to decrease, unlike mortals, the shorter the life, the older the appearance will appear, but you are just the opposite, as the lifespan passes, you look at Get older and look younger."

   "After you transform into a child, it may be the time when your life force is completely exhausted."

   The wise and vicissitudes of the youth's dull eyes changed a little, "Everything you said is true."

   Then the conversation turned and asked, "Can that little girl see how long I can live?"

Yu Qingqian thought for a while and replied, "If you just look at the relative effects of the two toxins in the senior's body, I estimate that the senior can only live for another ten to twenty years at most. On the premise of strength and soul power.”

   If she has a deep meaning, she said: "If the senior uses spiritual power and soul power, then every time it is consumed by life time."

   "By the way, if you use spiritual power and soul power, your cultivation will also fall, senior."

   "Senior also has a very deep plant pattern in his body that prohibits and seals his dantian, which also reduces the flow of life and spirit. Therefore, if the senior continues to operate, it should not be a big problem to live for twenty years."

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