Yu Changfeng had already greeted the teenager before, and the other party agreed that he leaked the poisoning of his friend to Yu Qingqian.

   Therefore, the other party did not refuse to hear his inquiry.

  The young man looked at Yu Qingqian peacefully and said, "Then little girl, please help me take a look."

   Although he vaguely fortunes to meet Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen in the future, he has no hope that the other party can detoxify him.

   His heart has long been stagnant, and his view of life is also very plain, and his state of mind will reach a very deep state.

   Yu Qingqian was not hypocritical, and said with a respectful smile: "Then please extend a hand, senior, I want to check first."

This time, she didn't really have a clue in her heart. Although she felt that there was a toxin in the blood of the boy that was very attractive to her when she entered the door, the wood-type power did not show any excitement this time. There was even a kind of fearful emotion.

   This shows that the poison on the boy's body is the kind of poison that she has never encountered before, but she has more than enough energy and is unable to absorb and refine it for the time being.

   However, because of his obsession and obsession with toxins, Yu Qingqian proposed to take a very serious attitude and devotion when examining the teenager.

   Not because the opponent is an elder and a strong man, but just because of the poison on the opponent.

  The young man laughed and put his left hand on the table, "You check it."

  Yu Qingqian stretched out three fingers and placed them on the boy's wrist, and the fingertips were surrounded by a layer of turquoise light, which was the combination of wood-based abilities and healing spiritual power.

   Applying the blue-green light ball to the young man's body to swim, Yu Qingqian gradually closed his eyes, feeling the toxins in his body a little bit, his face became more and more solemn, and it seemed to carry a kind of novelty and surprise.

The three people present knew that Yu Qingqian had entered a very mysterious state. Although they felt dumbfounded that she could enter the state by detecting any toxins, the young man and Yu Changfeng were not ready to disturb, Feng Chen even more Not anymore.

   The three of them just drank tea and watched quietly, without speaking or making other movements, for fear of interrupting her state.

   After about an hour, Yu Qingqian slowly opened his eyes, there was no regret or disappointment in his eyes, but there was a light of encountering interesting things.

  Yu Changfeng saw her look like this, and after she recovered for a moment, she couldn't wait to ask: "Xiao Qianqian, how do you feel?"

Yu Qingqian thought for a while and sorted out the situation he had just investigated, and said, "Senior has two types of poisons in his body, one with properties similar to light, and the other with properties similar to darkness. "

"It's like the sun and the moon cannot coexist for a long time in a day, but occasionally the sun and the moon hang in the sky during the day. Most of the time the two toxins are mutually exclusive."

   She paused and continued: "It is precisely because of the brief blending every once in a while that although the senior's lifespan drops, it maintains a uniform speed."

   She pursed her lips, looked at the young man a little boldly and asked, "Can I take the liberty to ask the seniors, is your face before being poisoned not like what we see today?"

Under normal circumstances, Lingzhi masters can keep their appearance when they reach the Linghuang, and there are some people who don't want to keep their appearance forever, such as Tong Laozu, who looks like an old man at first glance, so when he first met a teenager, Yu Qingqian and Feng Feng Chen Du thought that this was the appearance he retained after being promoted to Spirit Emperor.

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