The senior executives in the thatched hut were stunned when they saw that Yu Qingqian's face changed so quickly.

  Sect Master and Tao Laozu breathed a sigh of relief in an instant, and they were a little dumbfounded.

  Yu Qingqian gently pressed the fingertips across the female disciple's neck, and a toxin that no one found was injected into the other's body.

   She raised her head and looked directly at the beautiful woman in Tingyin Pavilion with a face of Frost and Frost, and said, "Your aggressive tactics are useless to me, because the fate of the person who offends me is never as simple as death."

   She reached out and patted the woman's pretty face lightly, "In the future, you should pay more attention to your words and actions, but not everyone is as good-tempered as I am, and they are reluctant to kill you."

Immediately, he was full of evil spirits, "Yeah! I forgot that you will never be able to talk and raise your fingers with that hand in the future. Enjoy the rest of your life, this is also the time you stole, otherwise I will listen to you old people. Zu's intentions killed you."

   This face-slapping action was somewhat contemptuous and even slightly insulting, just in time for the previous action of the woman pointing at Yu Qingqian as a "thief" and "shameless".

   "..." The disciples present twitched the corners of their mouths again, thinking in their hearts that if you have a good temper, there will be no good-tempered people.

   Especially when the Great Demon King made such a move, he not only slapped this disciple in the face, but also slapped the domineering high-level executive in Tingyin Valley without any scruples, which more and more proves that she is a character who will be vindictive and cannot be provoked!

   After Yu Qingqian finished saying these words, she raised her head and directly met the gaze of the beautiful woman in Tingyin Pavilion.

She hooked her lips slightly, and with a bit of sarcasm, she was full of provocation, "The three exchange conferences are not allowed to kill people, right? But there is no rule that people are not allowed to be maimed. I have now clearly understood that. She poisoned her, and I remember that this kind of sparring was allowed at the Three Dao Exchange Conference, and I also borrowed it and used it, you can also spend a lot of money to find someone to detoxify, provided you can get rid of it."

   "Of course, if the disciples of Tingyin Pavilion want to talk to me at the Three Dao Exchange Conference, I will welcome them at any time."

After    finished speaking, Yu Qingqian turned around and Feng Chen prepared to leave the site of Tingyin Pavilion and return to the place where the disciples of Guiyuan Sect were.

Although the disciples of Xuanyougu felt that the Great Demon King had borrowed it to make them suspected of being hit by an arrow while lying down, they still couldn't help applauding the Great Demon King's counterattack. The reason for restraining her.

  Because during the Three Dao Exchange Conference, in addition to killing the disciples of the other sect, other means of exchange are allowed.

   The disciples of Guiyuan Sect were extremely excited at this time. The Great Demon King is the Great Demon King. If you don’t fall for the old woman’s aggressive tactics, you can turn the army back. You can still be maimed if you don’t kill him. What else do you have to say?

  Especially the provocative look the big devil cast at the old woman at the end made them feel so cool.

   Many sect executives and disciples present couldn't help but applaud Yu Qingqian, it's too hard to deal with people who are rational and devilish and wantonly play cards according to the law.

   The most important thing is that this girl has such a deep background, and Tingyin Pavilion has encountered a tough time this time.

  The beautiful woman in Tingyin Pavilion didn't expect Yu Qingqian's reaction to be so fast, but she wasn't fooled. If she gave her a meaningful look and provocative words, she could not wait to shoot someone to death here immediately.

   But the rules of the three exchange meetings were not set by the Tingyin Pavilion. The dead girl used poison to talk about things. She really couldn't find a reason to refute or take action for a while.

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