The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1862: Am I like such a cruel person?

   Of course, not all high-level sects will think so much.

   The middle-aged man with blue lines on his forehead from Leisha Mountain wanted to stir up the water and provoke the relationship between Guiyuanzong and Tingyin Pavilion.

   It is impossible for the two sects of the righteous path to go to war directly because of this.

"It can't be said that way, since Tingyin Pavilion designated the Nine-Colored Magic Lotus as the soul flower of the sect many years ago, it is naturally related to the Nine-Colored Magic Lotus, and it is understandable to routinely ask Xiayu Qingqian. "

He continued with a smile: "What's more, what the little girl is doing is too arrogant. This is the host of the Three Dao Exchange Conference. If you want to kill people because of a disagreement, wouldn't it mean that there are many people every day? The disciple is about to perish?"

  The beautiful woman's face was still cold and stern, "Yes, the Nine-Colored Magic Lotus has a great relationship with our Tingyin Pavilion. This matter is absolutely impossible to forget."

   Her eyes fell on Yu Qingqian, and she said with a bit of threat: "But if Yu Qingqian dares to strangle the disciples of our sect to death today, then he will never take a half step out of the Xuanyou Valley."

At this time, the beautiful woman became much more awake after being blocked by the sect master of Guiyuan Sect, and she was eager to kill Yu Qingqian at this moment. It was time to wait for the ancestors to arrive, and they would have a better reason to bring people back to listen. Yinge's punishment, even if Yu Changfeng came forward, would have a reasonable rebuttal.

   Knowing that Yu Qingqian is a hot and wanton temperament, she deliberately made such a threat, but it would arouse the other party's greater rebellious psychology.

   As for the disciple of Tingyin Pavilion who may die at any time, it is not very important to her. If she can retrieve the soul flower of Tingyin Pavilion, then it is considered that Tingyin Pavilion has not cultivated this disciple for so many years.

   Hearing her slightly threatening words, the expressions of Guiyuan Sect's Sect Master and Tao Laozu changed.

   They also know the little girl's devilish temperament. Sometimes the more threatening she is, the more she likes to do it.

   Today, the little girl just taught the female disciple a lesson or two, and it's not a big problem, but if you really forcibly strangle someone to death, the problem will be serious.

   What was reasonable will become unreasonable.

   The sect master was about to speak and asked Yu Qingqian to let him go first, but who knew that Yu Qingqian was the first to speak.

   After Yu Qingqian heard the words of the beautiful woman in Tingyin Pavilion, the murderous aura in her heart disappeared instantly, and her reason returned.

  From the end of the world, the more this time, the faster Yu Qingqian's transition between madness and rationality.

   Her fingertips slid lightly across the female disciple's neck and chuckled, "Who said I was going to strangle her?"

  Yu Qingqian raised his head and swept the surrounding disciples around, and asked in a low voice, "Do I look like such a cruel person?"

   "..." The disciples twitched the corners of their mouths and wanted to say "You are such a cruel person", but they dared not!

   The murderous aura of the Great Demon King disappeared instantly and was replaced by Qing Ya Chuchen. The speed of changing face and temperament was only the Great Demon King could change so quickly.

   "How could it be, Great Demon King, you act so kind, and you won't be such a cruel person." Yu Qingqian saw a disciple of Xuanyougu, whose scalp was numb, and could not help but blurt out against his will.

  "..." The others were speechless, what this person said was too fake.

   But they probably wouldn't dare to speak out and say that the Great Demon King is very cruel.

   was only disturbed by the sudden change in the style of the Great Demon King, and the originally tense atmosphere of the whole scene actually eased a lot.

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