Although the disciples present were disappointed with the reward, they kept comforting themselves.

   After all, it was made by the masters of the Nirvana Realm supernatural, and no matter how bad it was, it would not be too bad. Although it was a failed product, it would definitely have a great effect in their hands.

   The disciples of the Three Righteous Paths don't really care, and some are glad that the reward is a failure. After all, the battle exchange meeting has never been their strong point.

  The disciples of the evil way and the demon way pay more attention, this is a good opportunity for them to show themselves.

   All twenty disciples of the Guiyuan Sect participated. The main purpose of Yu Qingqian and Lin Mingze joining this time was to assist Feng Chen.

   Everyone gets a number plate with a teleportation prohibition on the number plate. Once touched, it will be sent out spontaneously.

  The other sects are also all 20 disciples, and all of them have one person as the core and others to assist.

   Waiting for everyone to get their number plates, Ancestor Yin said: "The first link begins, you are all ready to teleport."

   His voice only fell for a moment, and everyone was enveloped in a cloud of white light and then disappeared in place.

   When they landed, everyone entered a large scroll, surrounded by landscapes painted in ink.

   "Now start fighting with your own abilities. Once you are knocked out or knocked to the edge of the scroll, the number card in your hand will be activated, and you will be teleported out. Those who stay in the scroll after an hour will continue to the next session."

  After Ancestor Yin finished speaking, the disciples present all looked at the people around them defensively, and the people of each sect were close to each other.

   The disciples of the nine major sects all had a tacit understanding that they first agreed with the outside world and then fought the civil war, so soon all the disciples of the first- and second-rate family forces were thrown out of the picture by their joint efforts.

   The next time was another scuffle, in which the disciples of Leisha Mountain and Baiwu Mountain Villa mainly targeted Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian.

   However, although the two have not yet reached the Earth Spirit Realm, their strength and adaptability are far beyond those of the Earth Spirit Realm disciples.

   As a result, many disciples of Leisha Mountain and Baiwu Mountain Villa were thrown out of the picture by the tacit cooperation of the two.

  Lin Mingze's strength is also very strong, secretly guarding Feng Chen's side, from time to time he beats and throws the disciples who attacked Lei Chashan and Baiwu Mountain Villa.

  The other disciples of Guiyuan Sect naturally helped Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian, so after an hour, the disciples of Leisha Mountain and Baiwu Mountain Villa were thrown out of the picture scroll.

  The high-level faces of Leisha Mountain and Baiwu Mountain Villa couldn't help but turn gloomy and gloomy.

Xuanyougu's disciples really wanted to attack Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian, but firstly they were already afraid of Yu Qingqian's revenge, and secondly, they were waiting for Yu Qingqian to take action to treat chronic diseases and hidden dangers. Woolen cloth.

   In particular, they saw Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen unite with other Guiyuan Sect disciples and threw the disciples of Baiwu Mountain Villa and Leisha Mountain in a sharp manner, and they restrained the eagerness in their hearts.

  Xiang Qing's innate ability was also revealed at this time. She has an innate spiritual body that can repel people from the picture. The disciples of Leisha Mountain and Baiwu Mountain Villa were thrown out, and she did a lot of work.

   Soon the first session was over, less than half of the disciples who entered the scroll together were left, and the rest were passed out of the scroll.

   Ancestor Yin announced the start of the second session, and the atmosphere in the scroll became tense.

   At this time, the disciples of Xuanyougu no longer had any scruples, and started to release poison directly. The disciples of the evil way and the demonic way also released all kinds of yin and evil powers, and the disciples of the Tingyin Pavilion also showed various special abilities.

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