Under the excited attention of everyone, Ancestor Yin also smiled and shook his head.

   "But this mechanical beast is a semi-finished product, or a failed product refined by that master."

   "Ah!" The disciples were still excited, but when they heard these words, they felt like they had been thrown a big pot of cold water.

   They never thought that such a spiritual organ beast turned out to be the failure of the master of the organ, if the failure is not so significant.

   Only Feng Chen's eyes showed a little bit of strangeness, but the color of interest was even stronger.

   "What do these people know? How did they judge that the mechanical beast was a failed product?" Gu Yan's disdainful voice came from the small tower space.

   Yu Qingqian asked in surprise: "Does the master know the origin of this little turtle beast?"

   "Of course I know. This was refined by an ancestor of the Yun Clan who used to be at the peak of Nirvana Realm. He deliberately only shaped more than half of the organ beast, mainly so that those who get the organ beast in the future can perfect it."

  Gu Yan paused and said, "I know a little about the mechanism. If the real mechanism master inherits the mechanism beast left by the ancestors, only the half-defective is a good thing, and the perfect one is not as good."

   "Those people know too little about mechanics, so they don't even know."

   "I think Feng Chen is very familiar with this point." Gu Yan added meaningfully.

Feng Chen smiled and said: "It is indeed as the master said, for our mechanic masters, semi-defective organ beasts are the most suitable. In the future, we can also shape them into what we like and need most. Although it is more troublesome, it is also more suitable. There are challenges."

   "The most important thing is that there may be a complete mechanism hidden in a semi-defective mechanism beast, and a complete mechanism beast can really only play an auxiliary role."

"You brat is really lucky today, not only did you get the experience book and the possibility of worshipping the Eternal Realm powerhouse as a teacher, but also got the scroll of planting pattern observation map, and now there is even a powerful ancestor of your Yun clan. A refined mechanical beast."

Gu Yan couldn't help but sighed that Feng Chen's luck was a bit unfortunate today, "If I'm not mistaken, the half-finished product of the little turtle should have the brand of the ancestor of the Yun Clan, and only those with the purest blood of the Yun Clan can truly Turn it on and make it perfect."

   "Among so many people present, you are the only one who can do it. Why do I feel like these three exchange conferences are held for you." Gu Yan wondered why he was not as lucky as Feng Chen.

   Feng Chen laughed softly, "I also found that I was lucky to attend the Three Dao Exchange Conference this time. This semi-finished product of the organ beast is more important to me than the planting pattern."

   Yu Qingqian also said with a smile: "Master, you can't envy you in terms of bad luck."

  Gu Yan said angrily: "Stinky girl, turn your elbows out."

   The three people here are transmitting sound, and many disciples in the thatched hut are also whispering, obviously they are not satisfied with this reward.

   Not to mention the disciples present, the higher-ups present were also a little disappointed.

   Every time the rewards are randomly flying out, they can't change it at all, they can only recognize it. The high-level executives of the evil way and the magic way are especially disappointed, who made the baby they were looking forward to not show up.

   "Okay, now that you already understand the rules of today's battle exchange meeting and saw the rewards, the disciples who are going to participate in the exchange, please go outside the hut to get the number plate." Ancestor Yin said.

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