The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1824: There's no one but the big devil

   The feminine middle-aged man in Shuiyue Palace smiled indifferently.

   "It's useless if you want to suppress."

   The little girl's temperament has long been formed, how could it be changed by pressing at will.

   What's more, there is a big magic star behind her as a backer. If she is in a hurry, she can go directly to the Sky Palace. At that time, I am afraid that the high-level officials of the Guiyuan Sect will not be able to stop her.

   The suzerain's face turned black again. This person is usually so reticent to talk, but now he will choke to death when he talks about it, so annoying!

   "You don't have to worry about it."

   Before the little girl came to Xuanyougu, they never thought about suppressing her temperament, and now it is naturally even more impossible.

   These high-level leaders of the devil and evil ways say that the grapes are sour if they can't eat the grapes. They really worry about eating radishes.

   Seeing that the face of the suzerain of Guiyuan Sect was getting darker and darker, the other people stopped talking.

   Next, as expected by Yu Qingqian, people who were poisoned came out of the forest by themselves or were carried out.

  In addition to the disciples of Leisha Mountain who reluctantly went to the disciples of Xuanyougu to detoxify, people from other sects all came to Yu Qingqian.

  Especially after the publicity of the two big men in Shuiyue Palace, Yu Qingqian's business is better.

   Yu Qingqian's detoxification speed and effect are very fast, and the spiritual marrow or equivalent materials are much cheaper than the disciples of Xuanyougu.

   After the comparison, the Great Demon King is inexplicably getting better and better in the sensory impressions of the disciples of the various sects.

   Many disciples felt that although her temperament was a little bit devilish, she was arrogant and arrogant, and she would report a little bit, but her behavior was still relatively upright and kind.

  Before the next day, Yu Qingqian made a lot of money because of the special environment of Xuangu, and he felt very comfortable.

And the disciples in Xuanyougu are not so comfortable. They originally planned to smash the disciples of other sects at the Three Dao Exchange Conference to earn the cultivation resources for the next one or two years. Who knows, but suddenly a The big devil is here to grab business.

   They stinked their own reputation and made the reputation of being a great demon king, and they felt extremely embarrassed just thinking about it.

   Those disciples of other sects are also mindless, and they don't even think that they need medicinal liquid or ointment for detoxification. The cost of high-grade spirit grass is very high.

   But the great devil detoxifies who saw her take out a bottle of medicinal liquid or ointment?

   People can just use the healing spiritual power at will with both hands, which is simply a business without capital.

  If they knew that Yu Qingqian not only had no business, but also could condense the poison in the body of these poisoned disciples, absorb and refine them, they would definitely be enraged.

   This is one of the reasons why Yu Qingqian is too lazy to enter the forest now.

  The most important thing is that they didn't dare to fight back, for fear of offending this little ancestor by accident, and then they would come to the door and refuse to cure their chronic diseases or hidden dangers, which would be troublesome.

   Therefore, the suffering in their hearts cannot be experienced by disciples of other sects.

   In the early morning of the next day, the disciples who entered the forest came out one after another, and heard what the Great Demon King had done.

   Many people can't help but take the Great Demon King as a model in their hearts. There is no one who is so arrogant to grab business on the Xuanyou Valley site, except for the Great Demon King!

   The disciples of the Guiyuan Sect were smiling, and they looked up and raised their chests wherever they went.

   There are Fengchen and the Great Demon King proud of them, and this appearance also makes the disciples of other sects see it, all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred!

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