When the disciple heard Yu Qingqian's reason for refusing to see a doctor for him, he suddenly had the urge to slap himself in the face and make you rude!

   But now it's useless to say anything, the Great Demon King will never put it away, he can only stare at Yu Qingqian fiercely.

   "Hmph, I don't want Junior Sister Lao to bother."

   After saying these words against his will, he turned around and left the Guiyuan Sect's site quickly, and did not return to the Xuanyou Valley site, but walked straight towards the forest.

   really has no face to stay here, and he needs to be quiet.

   Looking at the back of the disciple leaving, the other disciples felt a sense of loneliness inexplicably, and they all cast sympathetic eyes.

   They also realized once again that the fate of offending the Great Demon King is very sad.

   At this time, many disciples in Xuanyougu wondered whether the Great Demon King deliberately revealed the stubborn diseases or hidden dangers in their bodies, in fact, in order to achieve a better effect of revenge.

   Yu Qingqian leaned on the chair leisurely and looked up at the disciples of Xuanyougu jokingly, "Do you want to stay for tea?"

   When the disciples of several sects entered the forest, many of them should have been poisoned. She really didn't want to see the business rushing standing beside her.

   Hearing the Great Demon King's order to evict guests, the disciples of Xuanyougu were both angry and funny. If they used to be, they would have choked up a long time ago, but now they silently shut up when they think of their own ills and hidden dangers.

   A cheap mouth will hurt yourself, so this is the only one left.

   So they all smiled and returned to the Xuanyou Valley, but instinctively they could no longer have the idea of ​​going against the Great Demon King or grabbing business.

  From the trading booth in Nanfang City, to the trashing of a great ancestor in the sect, to the bright retaliation now, the person who wanted to deal with her in Xuanyougu really stopped thinking this time.

   The Great Demon King's temperament that does not follow the arrangement of cards and must report them, they really can't afford to offend them! So just hide.

  What happened in the thatched hut below, the upper floors in the hut above also saw it.

   The high-level officials of the righteous way, including the suzerain of the Guiyuan Sect and Tao Laozu, all looked helpless, while the high-level officials of the evil way and the demonic way looked regretful. The more they looked at Yu Qingqian, the more they liked her temperament!

   "I like this little girl's revenge on the spot." The beautiful woman in golden clothes from Shura Peak said with a smile on her eyes.

   The middle-aged man in the Soul Hall, who seldom speaks and looks feminine, also chuckled softly: "Little girl's temperament is indeed very pleasing, but it's a pity that she was put in the Guiyuan Sect for nothing."

   The upper levels of Shuiyue Palace and Sky Palace all nodded in agreement.

   The suzerain of the Guiyuan Sect and Tao Laozu couldn't help but turn black. What does it mean to be wasted in the Guiyuan Sect? Can you speak well?

  Although they also felt that the little girl's temperament was too presumptuous and too demonic, but they really hated it. I believe that after returning this time, there will still be many high-level executives who will feel the same as them.

   "Our Guiyuan Sect is not rigid enough to suppress the little girl's temper, so don't go overboard." The sect master said with a straight face.

   These words had better not flow into the little girl's ears, otherwise they would think how much they dislike her.

   But thinking about the fact that they had created such a small demon star, the upper echelons of the evil way and the demon way were repeatedly admired, envied, envied, and hated, and the Sect Master and Old Ancestor Tao became inexplicably dark.

   You should continue to be envious, jealous, and hateful. Anyway, after the three exchange meetings, you will have nothing to do.

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