More than 100 jade pendants need to be carefully inspected and identified one by one.

   After half an hour, the five referees read all the jade pendants. In fact, the answer was already in their hearts, but it was necessary to do it.

   Moreover, no one can guarantee that the jade pendants repaired by others may actually be better than those of Feng Chen, so from the perspective of fairness and justice, they are also responsible for the forging exchange conference, and they still check each one very carefully.

   But the final result was no more surprising surprise.

  The five judges engraved the jade pendant number of their choice on the leaves, and then asked the waiter to give it to Yin Laozu.

   Ancestor Yin had a jade pendant number corresponding to the list of his disciples. Before that, he deliberately memorized Feng Chen's jade pendant number. When he saw the jade pendant number chosen by several judges on the leaves, he did not go to re-read the list.

   He held five leaves in his hand and said to the crowd, "I announce the voting results of the five judges in the second session of the Forging Exchange Conference."

   "Feng Chen, Feng Chen, Feng Chen, Feng Chen, Feng Chen!"

   "Feng Chen of Guiyuanzong once again won the highest number of votes in the second session with unanimous votes."

   Ancestor Yin read out the result, and everyone present seemed to take it for granted.

   Hearing this result, many disciples who participated in the forging exchange conference showed helpless expressions of disappointment.

   Especially the disciples of White Mist Villa, although they had long guessed that Feng Chen might still get five votes, but after hearing the result, they were still a little unwilling to accept it.

   They are all disciples of the White Mist Villa with the most outstanding forging talent, and this time they came here for the forging exchange meeting arrogantly.

  I thought that they would show their brilliance at the exchange meeting today, but unexpectedly, Feng Chen took away all their splendor, leaving them bleak.

   Having seen Feng Chen's forging, they have to admit that they are indeed inferior, not even a tiny bit worse, but admitting is admitting, it is still a bit difficult to accept.

   Especially this time, they not only have to miss the experience book left by the super-powerful Nirvana Realm, but also miss the resources that Zongmen can provide to cultivate to the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

   The disciples of White Mist Villa became more and more unwilling to think about it. Many people hated Feng Chen directly, thinking that he had robbed them of their light and resources.

   However, the inner disciples who can become Baiwu Mountain Villa will not lack shrewdness or patience. They secretly hate Feng Chen to death in their hearts, but they do not show it on their faces.

   Hearing this result, although it was expected, the Sect Master of Guiyuan Sect, Tao Laozu and other senior officials and disciples couldn't help but be excited and excited.

   In the previous forging exchange conference Guiyuan Sect, no disciple ever won the first place.

  Although the third session has not yet been communicated, Feng Chen has already received ten votes. Even if he can't get a single vote in the last session, there is no doubt that he will win.

  Sect Master's serious face turned into a daisy, which made the high-level officials of White Mist Villa and Leisha Mountain really want to beat him up.

   "Congratulations!" The master of the Sky Palace looked at the sect master with a smile on his face.

   The strength of the Sky Palace has never been forging. Feng Chen, as the great-grandson-in-law of their Taishang ancestors, won the first place, and their Sky Palace also has light on the surface.

  The senior members of the sect who have a good relationship with the Guiyuan Sect also expressed their congratulations.

  The higher-ups of Leisha Mountain sneered, congratulations before the final result.

   But he also knew that there was no suspense in the result, so he refrained from saying this sentence.

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