At this time, the second part of the exchange conference is coming to an end. Since he said that, the glamorous woman will not mention the matter of poaching.

   Anyway, she has sent the summons back to Shura Peak, how to choose everything is up to the ancestors.

   An hour has passed, and there are still people who have not completed the repair, so they can't help but feel a little dejected.

   Twenty disciples of Baiwu Mountain Villa repaired the jade pendants one after another an hour ago. It can also be seen that Baiwu Mountain Villa is famous for its forging strength.

  The seven disciples of Guiyuan Sect except Feng Chen also repaired the jade pendant and put it on the table, but it was only stuck within the time limit, not in advance.

   This time, because it involved various comparisons in the repair of the jade pendant, the jade pendant that Feng Chen repaired was sent to the referee bench together with the jade pendants of others.

   And when it was handed over to the referee this time, the five referees didn’t know who belonged, and they could only vote based on who repaired it better, which was more fair.

   The jade pendants were sent up in order, and the five referees watched intently.

However, both the high-level officials present and the disciples found a problem. Among the more than 100 jade pendants, only the one with Feng Chen is the most dazzling and exudes the most spiritual energy. Except for the word "stand-out", they don't know what words to use to describe it. .

   What is this better? Anyone with discernment knows that the jade pendant that Feng Chen repaired is much more outstanding.

   If the five referees don't vote for the seal to repair the jade pendant, it will be tricky.

   The top of the White Mist Villa's face was even darker, but the elegant young man fell into deep thought.

   Fengchen used his hands instead of the furnace to forge and repair it. He watched very carefully, and with his eyesight he could still see that it should be a secret forging technique.

   It is not only as simple as replacing the furnace with both hands, but it can also improve the fineness and quality of forging. This is a secret technique that even their White Mist Villa does not have, and this is the first time he has seen it.

   He lowered his eyes, preparing to pass this important news back to the villa after the exchange meeting.

   There was a bit of gloom in his eyes. He was a master forging of the ground grade. He didn't need to look at the repaired jade pendants alone to know that Feng Chen was the best.

   It seems that the book of experience awarded by this forging exchange conference will also miss the White Mist Villa.

   He secretly sighed, and didn't know how to explain to the ancestors after returning, but the ancestors had ordered that once the ancient books were drawn as the forging reward, then no matter what method was used, they had to win.

   The disciples who came to participate in the exchange meeting at White Mist Villa this time are all disciples who are proficient in forging from the inner sect, and even one of the forging levels has reached the peak of Xuanpin.

   But who would have known that things that were so sure would be completely destroyed by the appearance of Feng Chen.

If the    forging book is really to be won by Feng Chen, not only must he send back a message to ask the meaning of Taishang Patriarch, but he also has to go to Feng Chen in private to see if he can use a huge amount of resources in exchange for it.

If it wasn't for Yu Changfeng's identity suddenly becoming Yu Qingqian's great-grandfather and Feng Chen becoming Yu Changfeng's great-grandson-in-law, then things would be much easier. .

  Unfortunately, the completion of this plan is very difficult and difficult!

  The elegant man took a deep breath, thinking about how to get the classics and the forging secrets in Feng Chen's hands, but when he looked up, the haze in his eyes had disappeared, and he looked peaceful and elegant again.

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