Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen knew about Xiang Qing.

  Xiang Qing entered the outer gate with them, and was another disciple who tested the spiritual planting master's talent to be of heaven.

   It's just that Xiang Qing has been relatively low-key since he entered the sect, and he did not do many tasks. The ranking of contribution points is only in the middle of the new disciples, so it is not surprising to be questioned.

  Yu Qingqian took a sip of tea and said leisurely: "Since Xiang Qing can be approved by two-thirds of the senior sect leaders, then there must be something special about her, and it's useless for the disciples in the outer city to question her."

  Some people are not good at the innate abilities that attract attention, but they have very rare special talents. Yu Qingqian feels that Xiang Qing is such a person.

  Huo Fei said with a chuckle: "You still see it thoroughly. The high-level sect will never take this kind of thing as a child's play."

   Yu Qingqian smiled slightly, and suddenly thought of a question.

   She asked: "By the way, is there any benefit to going to participate in the Three Dao Exchange Conference?"

   If there is no benefit, she and Feng Chen will not be interested, so it is better to stay in the sect and ask the master for more advice. They have been splitting them in half for the past year.

   Fortunately, both of them can use their hearts and minds. What they should have learned in about three years will be mastered in one year, otherwise it will be even more pressing.

   "Does it mean that you and Feng Chen will not participate if there is no benefit?" Huo Ling raised his eyebrows first, with a look of surprise on his face.

   Yu Qingqian nodded as a matter of course: "Nonsense, it's not good for us to waste that time."

The abyss and **** may be opened in a year, and they still have a lot of preparations to do, especially to impact their cultivation base to the earth spirit realm, otherwise not only the masters, but also the high-level sects will never allow them to go to accept the experience or task.

   "..." Huo Fei couldn't help but twitched the corners of their mouths.

   Now the people in the outer city and the inner city who want to grab the internal quota are about to fight. These two people actually have this kind of thinking. If people outside find out, I am afraid that they will not be able to help spit on their yard.

   "If it doesn't help, who will grab the ten rare places." Huo Ling rolled her eyes at her, "I still want to ask for one, but unfortunately there is no chance."

  Yu Qing lightly pressed his chin and played with the lid of the cup in his hand, "Then what's the benefit of talking about it?"

Huo Ling counted with his fingers, "There are many advantages, one is that you can show your whole person to the three major sects, if you perform well, you will be famous; If you get the most votes, there will also be spiritual essence and resource rewards; thirdly, as long as you promote the might of our sect in the exchange meeting and let the sect take the limelight, the contribution value reward after returning is also very generous."

   "One more thing, as long as you stand out at the exchange conference, you will be listed as the most important disciple by the sect after returning, and it is entirely possible for you to pass the assessment and become an inner disciple."

  Huo Fei added: "Why did our major gang leaders have the strength to test and be promoted to the inner sect, but didn't do it? Besides collecting a lot of contribution points, the most important point is to wait for the three exchange conferences."

   "If we had become disciples of the inner sect before, then it would be difficult for our name to appear among the ten places in the inner sect, but it would be different if we waited in the outer sect. The two of you don't know your blessings if you are not in a good place."

   Several of their gang leaders have been waiting for the Three Dao Exchange Conference for more than 60 years in the outer door, and there will be as good as Yu Qingqian and the two of them.

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