Speaking of the predetermined quota, Huo Ling didn't have much sadness on his face, as if he was used to it.

   "It goes without saying that Huo Fei must have been selected by default. As for me, I didn't have a place in the list of ten places, so I couldn't go to the exchange conference."

  Feng Chen looked up at him and asked, "The number of disciples in the inner city and the outer city is predetermined? Don't we need to choose any form?"

   No matter what competitions or exchanges they participated in in their academies or sects when they were in the lower realm, apart from a few internal quotas, most of them had to be won by themselves.

  Huo Ling nodded as he should: "Yes! No matter what sect participates in the Three Dao Exchange Conference, the disciples are determined by the senior sect."

   "Aren't you afraid of burying the disciples with real potential and talents? Or the disciples with more background will occupy all the places." Feng Chen asked truthfully.

  Since it is a three-way exchange meeting, the sect will definitely choose some disciples who are sure to grab attention.

Huo Fei said with a smile: "Disciples with potential talents are usually too low-key to show up, so how can the higher-ups in the sect know if he can do it? That's why you made your behavior stand out in the first place. "

   "Furthermore, the three-way exchange conference is a place to show the strength and level of the sect. The high-level naturally won't joke about the reputation of the sect. The nominated disciple must be approved by two-thirds of the senior sect."

He paused and continued: "So the disciples who are usually too low-key and have no background will not have the opportunity to participate in such a conference. If you are not at all prominent among the major forces, it is impossible for the senior sect leaders to pay attention to you every day. Is it really hiding the talent and strength?"

   "As for the disciples with background, the chances of getting a place must be higher. After all, whether it is the outer sect or the inner sect, most of the more well-known disciples have a good background, and their talent and strength can also match."

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen nodded thoughtfully after listening to his words, and also understood the meaning of why Shizu wanted them to attract more attention from the senior sect.

   "Who else in the outer city has been assigned a quota?" Feng Chen thought about it and asked.

  Huo Fei replied: "Apart from the three of us, Gu He, Gong Xuan, Fu Ling, Wei Jie, and Xiang Qing have been appointed by default, and the remaining two high-ranking sects are still controversial and undecided."

   "In order to select the final quota, we still need the senior members of the sect to sit and vote together?" Yu Qingqian felt that this kind of selection was very similar to modern times.

  Huo Fei nodded, "Yes, only if more than two-thirds of the senior sect leaders agree, that disciple can be selected for the quota."

   He added with a smile, "By the way, I heard that the two of you were voted in favor by all the senior sect leaders, and you are the only two disciples in history who have received unanimous votes."

However, it is normal for Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen to pass unanimously. Whoever makes the two of them have the capital of talent is enough for Zongmen to show off, not to mention their talents in healing, playing poison, planting patterns, and forging. Very tough.

After the    internal quota came out, except for Xiang Qing who was questioned by some disciples, everyone else was tacitly accepted.

In the past, whether it was the outer sect or the inner sect, most of the choices were mainly based on the participation of old disciples in the exchange meeting, but this time, three disciples of Yu Qingqian who were new to the sect for about two years were selected, which caused a lot of discussion. .

   "No one questioned the talent and strength you and Feng Chen showed. Xiang Qing was even worse. At least half of the disciples in the outer sect expressed dissatisfaction." Huo Ling added with a smile.

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