Huo Fei shook his head, then looked at Gong Xuan and the others inexplicably.

   Gong Xuan and the three also shook their heads together: "We passed out, and we don't know what happened afterward."

   It just so happened that the chief who went out to investigate walked in from the outside, and saw that several people had woken up with a kind smile on their faces.

   "I've seen the master!" Several people stood up one after another.

  Shangshi smiled and said, "Sit down, don't be restrained."

   Then he looked at Huo Fei and asked, "Tell me in detail what happened before."

  Huo Fei nodded, "We found out where the predecessor in charge fell..."

  Huo Fei recounted all the incidents from how he encountered a strong person in the Heavenly Spirit Realm to being hit and knocked out.

   The old man frowned deeply after hearing this, "Then do you know who those evil cultivators in the Heavenly Spirit Realm are? Or do you know any clues?"

  Huo Fei thought for a while: "We haven't seen them before, so we don't know their identities."

   At this moment, Yu Qingqian, who had never spoken, handed an extra piece of storage jade pendant to the old man and said, "Master, this is a storage ornament caught by my spiritual pet. I don't know if it is of any use."

   This storage jade pendant was the belongings of the ancestors of the Yin family. After Gu Yan killed people, he threw all their storage accessories to Yu Qingqian.

   After reading it, Yu Qingqian found that Yu Peili actually had the identity token of the ancestor of the Yin family and the letter of contact with Jiao Yu, so he took away the valuable things inside, and asked the master to restore the brand on the jade pendant.

   This time, she and Sick Beauty almost died. Although Jiao Yu had already cheated on her, she didn't mind cheating him again, not to mention that Yu Perry's stuff was real.

  The old man took the jade pendant in surprise, and found that it had the imprint of the Heavenly Spirit Realm power on it, and immediately wiped it off with spiritual power.

   After reading Yu Peili's things, his face sank, "Where's Jiao Yu who is on the mission with you?"

  Huo Fei said: "Before, he had a conflict with us and left without authorization. Now we don't know where he went."

  The old man didn't tell the few people about Yu Peili's situation, but nodded and said, "I will report this matter to the sect truthfully. You should take care of your injuries first."

   After thinking about it, he said to Yu Qingqian: "There is something in Yu Peili that is a clue to the inquiry, so I will take it away first."

   He did not suspect that Yu Qingqian had seen the jade pendant or deliberately created fakes. The identity token and the communication talisman could be seen to be genuine with his eyesight.

   And the jade pendant still has a good brand, which cannot be erased or restored with Yu Qingqian's cultivation, even he is unable to restore it.

   "This is what I'm going to hand in, I can handle it at will." Yu Qing smiled lightly.

   The director nodded and said, "You guys are very lucky. You may have encountered an expert to save you this time. The sect side should judge that the task is complete, and take a good rest."

   "Yes!" A few people knew that what happened next had nothing to do with them.

  After Zhang Shi and Asu and others left, Huo Fei looked at Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen with a half-smile but said, "Do you know who saved us?"

   The previous few people tacitly did not tell the story that Feng Chen had summoned three Heavenly Spirit Realm experts to help, and slightly changed the process of escape.

   In their hearts, they suspected that their rescue this time had nothing to do with the two of them, otherwise the great master would run to or pass through the barren mountains and mountains, save them and then disappear.

   Feng Chen chuckled: "I don't know! We were also unconscious after being hit."

   Seeing Feng Chen's appearance, Huo Fei knew that he might not be willing to disclose it.

   But everyone has secrets, and they don't want to get to the bottom of it.

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