Gu Yan and Yu Qingqian stood and talked for a while. Seeing that Huo Fei and the others showed signs of waking up, he disappeared directly in place.

   "Just in front of you, someone with your sect's identity token is coming. I will go to Mingyang County to wait for you." Gu Yan sent Yu Qingqian a voice transmission before disappearing.

"it is good!"

  After Gu Yan left, Yu Qingqian pulled Feng Chen and sat on the ground. The injury on his body was intentionally not repaired, "Sick beauty, the people from the sect are here, let's pretend to be injured and unconscious."

   Feng Chen chuckled lightly: "Okay!"

   Yu Qingqian put his pockets away, and the two fell to the ground and pretended to be unconscious.

   Sure enough, a moment later a flying monster landed nearby.

  Three people in Guiyuanzong costumes jumped off the flying beasts, and their faces changed when they saw several people lying unconscious on the ground.

  Especially when they saw Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian covered in blood, they were even more shocked.

   led an old man who had cultivated in the Heavenly Spirit Realm and hurriedly said to a young man behind him: "Asu, take a look at their situation."

   The man called Aso was a therapist who cultivated in the Earth Spirit Realm. He nodded and said, "Yes!"

   After he finished speaking, he quickly walked over to Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian to investigate their injuries, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

   "Junior Sister Yu and Junior Brother Feng have been seriously injured before, but there is a wave of healing power within their bodies that maintains their lives and is not life-threatening." Asu said.

  The old man also breathed a sigh of relief. This time, he was under the order of the sect to protect the safety of Yu Qingqian, Feng Chen and others.

   "Look at the others."

   "Yes!" Asu continued to go to Huo Fei and the others to investigate, "The four of them also have a healing force in their bodies to stabilize their lives, otherwise I'm afraid it will be difficult to save them."

   Patriarch hurriedly asked, "Is their life not in danger?"

   These four people all have backing backgrounds in the inner sect. If one dies and goes back, it will be difficult to communicate with each other!

   "Thanks to that healing power, I'm out of danger now." Aso replied.

  The old man was really relieved, "You take them back to Mingyang County for treatment first, and I'll investigate the clues around."

   "Okay, please be careful when you are in charge." Aso nodded.

  The old man waved his hand, and immediately followed the route that Yu Qingqian and others flew over to investigate.

   He is the new head of the sect, and this is a duty and obligation that must be done.

   Asu and the other disciple moved Feng Chen and the others onto the flying beasts and flew directly back to Mingyang County.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen used special abilities, so Aso did not realize that the two were pretending to be unconscious.

   Back to Mingyang County, Huo Fei and the others woke up one after another, and Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen also woke up slowly.

   Huo Fei and the others were greatly relieved when they saw that he was still alive.

   Seeing that he had returned to the station, he thought it was someone from the sect who came to save them.

  Huo Fei looked at Asu and said, "Brother, thank you for saving us."

   He hadn't seen Aso, but he saw the inner disciple's clothes he was wearing, so he was still very polite.

   Aso was slightly surprised, "When we arrived, you were all injured and unconscious, but there is a healing force in your body to maintain life, so there is someone else who saves you."

  Huo Fei and the others also showed their faces of surprise, obviously inexplicable.

  Aso asked: "Don't you know who rescued you?"

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