This side took everyone to teleport to escape, and soon they were thousands of miles away.

   Yu Qingqian was attacked by the ancestors of the Yin family before, and the strength of his body was basically exhausted, and he was unable to use his abilities to heal the four Huo Fei.

   But she carries with her many potions to repair her injuries and restore her spiritual power.

   "You take the medicine."

   Yu Qing's mind moved, and there was a pile of potions in front of him, "The green ones are for restoring spiritual power, and the red ones are for repairing injuries."

   She took the first two bottles and drank it, and Feng Chen did the same.

   The four of Huo Fei did not doubt, and immediately took the potion and drank it.

   For Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian's actions that they didn't leave them behind, the sullen qi in their hearts had dissipated, but instead there was an indescribable moving expression.

   "I don't know who those evil people are, but seven experts from the Heavenly Spirit Realm were dispatched to deal with us." Wei Jie sighed.

   Gong Xuan and the others also looked gloomy and uncertain, but they never suspected that the other party was attracted by their feud with Yu Qingqian.

   They thought that the other party was coming for Guiyuanzong, and this ambush should also be to kill Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, two talented disciples of the third rank, and make Guiyuanzong lose two evil geniuses.

   As for whether they will free up their hands to deal with them, they have no doubts, and feel that the other party should cut the grass and root out.

   So at this moment there is no anger towards Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian.

   Gong Xuan shook his head: "Who knows, Evil Dao's behavior has always been very strange. Since they even assassinated the resident chief, it means that they have a purpose long ago, and I don't know why they are so hostile to my Guiyuan Sect."

  The resident supervisors are all held by the ancestors of the sect Heavenly Spirit Realm, and the behavior of the other party is a little crazy.

  Huo Fei took out the communication talisman and sent a message to Zongmen again, telling the previous events and sending a distress signal.

   "I only hope that the sect can have the power of the Heavenly Spirit Realm nearby, otherwise we are still very dangerous!" Huo Fei sighed softly.

   There is no chance of winning for three people to hold seven people.

   Feng Chen didn't have a clue in his heart. He always felt that the ancestors of the Yin family were not so simple, and it was because they underestimated the enemy that they were so embarrassed by them.

   The few people sitting in the pockets did not relax in the slightest, and they were still very nervous. It was too early to judge whether they could escape and ascend to heaven.

  In the barren mountain, the ancestor of the Yin family was completely angry, and an unexploited supernatural power exploded directly, knocking the three men in Tsing Yi flying away.

   After all, he is the ancestor of the late Heavenly Spirit Realm, and he is not comparable to ordinary powers. Before, he just didn't want to reveal his true strength.

   Now it has to be revealed, if Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen are allowed to run away today, then all the arrangements will be in vain, and it is more likely to completely offend Gui Yuanzong, so it cannot fail.

   The three Tsing Yi dark guards were seriously injured by the shock, and the clones condensed by the three regiments were also destroyed by the powerful force of the ancestors of the Yin family.

   The three of them couldn't help being shocked when they saw this, and at the same time, they threw a small white ball against the ground.

   Immediately, a cloud of blue smoke enveloped the vicinity, the ancestor of the Yin family snorted coldly, and shook it with his sleeve, the blue smoke dissipated and the three of them disappeared.

   "These three people act like the secret guards of the Cloud Clan!" An ancestor couldn't help but say.

   The ancestor of the Yin family sneered: "I didn't expect that Feng Chen's little brat would have something to do with the Yun clan."

   There was an extra calculation in his eyes. If Feng Chen and the Yun Clan really had a great relationship, then this was an opportunity for him to show off to the Emperor.

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