Seeing that the light of the golden hood is getting weaker and weaker, and there are signs of breaking.

  Feng Chen took a deep breath and said, "Okay, as soon as the hood is broken, we will use the Nihuang Beast to escape. If you can't resist and escape immediately, your life is the most important thing."

   These three were the guards sent by the Yun clan to secretly protect him. Their accusation was to protect themselves, and Feng Chen would not be hypocritical enough to let the three leave first.

   The defense of these three people basically has no flaws, and they are the cultivation base of the Heavenly Spirit Realm. I believe that if they can't contain the seven people and want to escape, they can still do it.

   "Yes, I have just sent out a new distress signal. If the Cloud Clan has a great power nearby, they will come immediately. Young Master, take care all the way!" said the man in Tsing Yi.

   Feng Chen nodded, and then sent Yu Qingqian a voice transmission to get her ready for Doudou to appear.

  Yu Qingqian lowered her head and spread out her palm, a leaf-like turquoise mark flickered on her palm.

   This is the power condensed by her wood-type power essence. If she really wants to die, then she can only self-explode the power of the wood-type power essence.

   Hearing Feng Chen's voice transmission, Yu Qingqian was stunned for a while, then nodded.

   "Kacha!" The golden mask cracked, and he came out of the small tower space, and his figure suddenly grew larger.

Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen both jumped up, and the three cloud guards from the Heavenly Spirit Realm were already able to move. They immediately opened a space opening to allow Feng Chen and the others to escape, and then formed a defensive formation against the Yin family elder. Zu greeted him.

  Huo Fei and the others were seriously injured on the ground. Seeing Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen jumping onto the Nihuang Beast, they knew they were going to escape, and couldn't help but let out a wry smile.

   I don't know if it's fortunate or uncomfortable. If the two escaped, the other party would definitely take their anger out, and they would surely die.

   The four of them never thought that Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen would take them away. After all, such a crucial escape opportunity would be a drag on bringing their four seriously injured people.

   It was like if there were seven powerhouses in the Heavenly Spirit Realm back then, maybe they wouldn't rush up without hesitation. This is normal human nature.

   But I still have a very uncomfortable feeling in my heart.

   flapped his wings, raised his head and screamed, and the ghost face pattern on his back became more and more hideous.

  The Demon Emperor Grass had already got into the pockets and was ready to teleport from time to time. As soon as the golden cover was completely broken, it flew out in a hurry.

  Feng Chen's hands kept forming seals, and he cast a spiritual seal on the still intact golden cover.

  The golden hood swayed a few times in an instant, and a crack appeared. When the two ancestors of the Heavenly Spirit Realm were unable to defend, they teleported in and grabbed the four Huo Fei and threw them on their backs.

  The Demon Sovereign Grass immediately fused all the spiritual power into Doudou's body, and Doudou teleported away in the direction of the main city of Mingyang County, and quickly disappeared into the barren mountains.

   The ancestor of the Yin family was very angry when he saw this, but he couldn't get rid of the entanglement of the Tsing Yi trio, and said to the other two: "Go after them, you can't let them leave alive."

   "Okay!" The two old men were about to use their supernatural powers to chase.

   Suddenly, the three men in Tsing Yi bit the tip of their tongues, each took out a small green ball, and sprayed it with a mouthful of blood.

  The green ball immediately grew bigger, and finally turned into three people like a noodle kneader.

   Then he restrained the two old men at the same time, this is a kind of puppet clone technique of the cloud clan's organ technique.

The    three clones have the same abilities as the main body, but they can only last for one cup of tea at most, which is also the limit time that the man in Tsing Yi told Feng Chen.

  The ancestor of the Yin family and others saw this, and suddenly felt a sense of grievance in their hearts. Why is it so difficult to kill two people in the spirit realm?

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