Yu Qingqian likes the pig teammates of the Qinglong Gang. She can climb the poles whatever she wants.

   In this way, the effects and effects of her poison do not need to be advertised separately, and this person is the best advertising effect.

   After all, everyone here knows that this person is a disciple of the Qinglong Gang, and it is impossible for her to bribe him.

   Yu Qingqian waved at the cyan poison on the cabinet, and the bottle containing the poison fell into her hand.

   "Why is this bottle of poison suitable for you, brother?"

  Yu Qingqian shook the bottle and said, "Because it can raise senior brother's Huangpin spiritual power talent to Xuanpin spiritual power talent, do you think it's worth the price?"

   Hearing Yu Qingqian's words, the entire shop fell silent for a moment, and then everyone present showed disbelief.

   The disciple who found fault was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Junior Sister Yu, you are joking."

   "Upgrade Huangpin's spiritual power talent to Xuanpin's spiritual power talent? I have never heard of such a poison. Don't brag about it because we question the price of your poison."

   Most of the people present showed their approval. They didn't believe that Yu Qingqian's poison had the effect of enhancing talent.

   I have never heard of any pharmacist or poison alchemist who can improve people's talents, and Yu Qingqian's bragging rights are too big.

   Just as Yu Qingqian was about to speak, a male voice rang out from the crowd, "I can prove the effect of this poison."

   Then everyone saw Ye Cheng walking in from outside the shop. He had just gone for an assessment and became an outer disciple, so some disciples knew him.

   Candidate disciples have three opportunities to be assessed every year. If they feel that they have the strength to pass the assessment, they can apply.

  Ye Cheng's spiritual talent and physical quality talent were upgraded to Xuanpin by Yu Qingqian, and he had a special ability, so he finally succeeded in this assessment application.

   "Hey, isn't this Ye Cheng?" A disciple in the crowd whispered.

The person next to    asked: "You know him?"

   "I know, I used to be the same batch of people who took the test as him. I entered the outer door at that time, but he failed the test because of his spiritual talent and physical talent, and he was still an alternate disciple."

  The man paused and said, "Before the assessment, we just lived next door, and we had a little friendship. In addition, two of his talents in our group at that time were Huangpin, so I still remember it fresh."

   "So it is," said the others.

   "By the way, he just said that he can prove it, meaning he can prove that Yu Qingqian's poison can raise Huang Pin's talent to Xuanpin? Is it true?" Someone exclaimed violently.

  Other talents have reflected what Ye Cheng said he could prove.

   The disciple who found fault was stunned when he saw Ye Cheng's appearance. Before, he didn't believe that Yu Qingqian could extract a poison that could enhance his talent, but he hesitated for a while when he saw Ye Cheng.

   Ye Cheng knew him, and at the same time he knew that what the man said just now was right, Ye Cheng had two talents when he entered the outer door test.

   He couldn't help his heart skip a beat, if Ye Chengzhen raised two talents to Xuanpin because of this poison, wouldn't he be able to do that too?

   But he quickly put aside this idea, how could poison in this world enhance talent, there is no possibility at all.

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