The disciple's voice was so loud that everyone in the shop could hear it clearly.

  Many people looked in the direction the disciple pointed, and sure enough, they saw a poison with an expensive price on the top of the cabinet.

  There are three bottles of poisons side by side on the cabinet. The price is not much different, but it is surprisingly high.

   The most expensive bottle of cyan poison actually costs 100,000 low-grade spirit essence or 30,000 contribution points.

   Seeing the price of this, even the people who were going to cheer on Yu Qingqian were stunned, with mixed feelings. Is she planning to extort?

  Many people who were planning to visit the poison hall couldn't help but flinch. A bottle of poison with no apparent effect was so expensive, so they didn't charge sky-high prices to treat a disease.

  Yu Qing glanced at the onlookers in the store, and saw their expressions clearly, and she needed such an effect now.

   "There is naturally a reason for me to set the price like this. I can tell you for sure that the value of my bottle of poison can exceed that of the profound medicine that improves the cultivation of people in the later stage of the spiritual realm."

   "Of course, its value is not for everyone, but only for those in need that are most valuable and valuable."

   "The profound medicine potions in the auction house that enhance the cultivation of people in the late stage of the spiritual realm are also targeted. If they are used by people who cultivated in the spiritual realm, it is meaningless."

   Yu Qingqian straightened his face and smiled lightly: "So whether it's a potion or a poison, the key point of value depends on the person who needs it."

   After hearing Yu Qingqian's words, everyone felt that it was very reasonable, and many people nodded by default.

   That disciple was originally sent by Qinglong to find fault, so he would definitely not forget it, otherwise he would be punished after returning.

"Then ask Junior Sister Yu, who is this potion useful for? The price of this potion is higher than that of a potion that raises people's spiritual realm in the later stage of cultivation. The effect must be very big." The disciple said meaningfully and loudly. .

  Yu Qingqian looked at him with a half-smile, not answering, "Can I take the liberty to ask this senior brother a question first?"

  The disciple was stunned for a while, then nodded: "What's the problem?"

   "Does this senior brother have Huang Pin in his three talents?" Yu Qingqian asked bluntly.

   The disciple's face darkened. He felt that Yu Qingqian was sincerely trying to humiliate himself.

"My talent is naturally incomparable to the genius of the three talents, such as the junior sister, but there is nothing that can't be said. My spiritual talent is Huangpin, but the physical quality talent and the spiritual planter talent are the ground. Quality." He said that he was not as good as Yu Qingqian, but his face was gloomy, obviously not happy that she asked that.

   The spiritual talent of Huang Pin is his biggest pain point, and it drags down a lot of his strength.

   Fortunately, the other two talents are of the ground, otherwise he would not be able to stand out from the candidate disciples and become an outer disciple.

Yu Qingqian knew that this person was unhappy, but she felt happy when the other party was unhappy, "Then my bottle of poison is just right for Senior Brother to use, and its efficacy may definitely surpass that of a talented person like Senior Brother. Profound medicine to enhance the cultivation of people in the late stage of the spiritual realm."

   The disciple was full of surprise, "I'm curious as to how this bottle of poison is most suitable for someone with talent like me, can you tell me in detail?"

He doesn't believe that she can say why. When the time comes to see who still buys the poison from her poison hall, there will be many people who will stop because of the price, then his goal today has been achieved, and he will return to the Qinglong Gang. will be rewarded.

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