How can Yu Qingqian play cards so unreasonably, her healing skills are so miraculous and powerful, why is it not a medical hall but a poison hall?

   The disciple in the secret realm left a big question in his mind, and he couldn't understand Yu Qingqian's brain circuit at all.

   Could it be that this is the difference between the geniuses who are geniuses of the heavenly rank, and their ordinary genius disciples?

   Not only the disciples present were surprised, but the disciples and high-level officials of the outer and inner sects were also shocked by her news.

   "What? Opening a drugstore? I heard right."

   "I thought I heard it wrong, but after listening to you, it turns out that I heard it right. She really wants to open a drugstore."

   "Yu Qingqian is too daring, she actually wants to open a poison shop in our Guiyuan Sect, I'll take it!"

   "The senior officials of the sect don't know how they will react when they hear her shocking news, I'm really looking forward to it!"

   "I'm looking forward to it too, but unfortunately we can't see it."

   The disciples who were watching from the outer door and the inner door began to discuss, and they all felt that Yu Qingqian's decision was unbelievable.

   In the Neimen Council Hall, more than half of the ancestors present were dumbfounded.

   "This little girl said she was going to open a drug store in the outer city?" An ancestor still couldn't believe it, and asked the red-haired ancestor sideways.

   The red-haired ancestor blinked, "That's what she meant."

   That little girl is so personable, this is a direct challenge to the nerves of the old sect diehards!

   But why did he like the little girl's temperament more and more.

   "Did this little girl say something wrong? She should be talking about opening a medical center instead of a drug store." A conservative-minded ancestor couldn't help but say.

   Mrs. Fei said, "Yu Qingqian has always been emphasizing that what she is best at is therapists and refining poisons, so it is understandable that she proposes to open a drugstore."

  Elder Jiao was overjoyed, there is a way to heaven, that dead girl doesn't want to go, but she wants to play her own way and find her own way.

   "It's just nonsense. Is opening a poison shop something that a righteous sect like Guiyuanzong would do?"

   Elder Jiao violently slammed the teacup in his hand on the table, showing a kind of indignant anger, "If the old immortals in Xuanyougu knew that our sect's disciples opened a poison store, I don't know how they would laugh at them."

   He knew that many of the people present valued the reputation of the sect more than their lives, so he deliberately exaggerated the seriousness of the matter.

   Sure enough, after his words fell, many ancestors showed disapproval.

Seeing this, Mrs. Fei frowned slightly, "What's wrong with our Guiyuan Sect's disciples who are good at playing poison? They have nothing to laugh at, maybe if the two disciples are put together, Yu Qingqian will be able to outperform them. The disciple is one of a kind."

   The red-haired ancestor also helped: "Elder Fei is right, but I think this is a good thing. Only when a hundred flowers bloom can make the sect go further."

   Soon, the elders present thought deeply and expressed their opinions. Due to the outstanding talent and strength of Yu Qingqian in the secret realm, more than half of the ancestors kept the default of Yu Qingqian playing poison.

   However, there are still stubborn patriarchs who are instigated by Elder Jiao and firmly oppose it.

   The sect master is more in favor of Madam Fei's opinion of letting a hundred flowers bloom, and he is still very concerned about the two good seedlings in the sect, and he does not want to discourage the enthusiasm of the two little guys.

  Especially he also saw that that little girl Yu Qingqian was not a quiet master, she was too noisy.

   The opening of the drug lab is definitely just the beginning. In the future, as long as she is there, I am afraid that she will not be able to calm down. It is no wonder that her nickname in the lower world is called "The Great Demon King". This behavior is not too demonic.

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