The disciples who were watching the crystal wall at the outer and inner doors also showed shocked expressions.

   Although they didn't experience the experience in person, from the reactions of other disciples on the screen, it can be seen that Yu Qingqian's healing technique is indeed amazing.

   It is impossible that all the new outer disciples will be bought by Yu Qingqian to cheat together.

   There are many people from other gangs among these new disciples. If Yu Qingqian's healing skills are not so superb, those people will definitely be exposed on the spot.

   They also looked at Yu Qingqian with magical eyes, so it can only mean that everything that happened in the secret realm is true.

  In the Inner Sect Council Hall, the eyes of the high-ranking people present are even more vicious, so it can be judged that Yu Qingqian is not cheating, and the level of treatment and medicine she shows is indeed very evil.

   "I didn't expect this little girl to have such a talent for healing!" The red-haired ancestor laughed loudly: "With such talent, even if you meet the disciples of Tingyin Pavilion, you can win."

  Tingyin Pavilion is one of the three major forces of the righteous path, and it is best at healing. The reason why it has its current status is also inseparable from healing and refining potions.

   Every time several major sects meet, Guiyuanzong has to suffer from Tingyin Pavilion in the treatment.

   Mrs. Fei's eyes softened a lot, "Little girl is not only as simple as the three talents are heavenly, but the healing talents are not too much!"

   Yu Qingqian did not disappoint her, nor did it make the foreshadowing she made before meaningless, but proved her point of view from the side is correct.

   "Yu Qingqian hides such a miraculous healing talent, so Feng Chen shouldn't be easy." A conservative-minded ancestor liked Feng Chen better, but he couldn't feel disgusted with a monstrous disciple like Yu Qingqian.

   Sect Master nodded and smiled: "If I guessed correctly, Feng Chen's talent in planting patterns or forging should be very good. I'll know after a test or two another day."

   "Haha, these two little guys performed very well in this training mission. I think they can be listed as key targets for training and enjoy the privileges of some inner disciples." The red-haired old man suggested.

Elder Jiao said without a smile: "It's too much, after all, the two of them have not joined the sect for less than a year, how can the genius outer disciple who enjoys the privilege of the inner sect have to enter the sect for more than a year? Think about it, this is the rules of the sect."

   He is the ancestor of the deacon who supervises the Law Enforcement Hall, so he is naturally qualified to make such a request.

  Yu Qingqian performed so well, but Elder Jiao couldn't produce the slightest joy. Instead, he felt aggrieved and vomited blood. This dead girl seemed to be against him on purpose.

The ancestors here discussed this suggestion for a while, and finally decided to let the two enjoy the privileges of some inner disciples after half a year. After all, this is a rule set by the sect and it is not easy to destroy it. Anyway, the time not long.

   However, the key training plan has not changed, and it has been put on the agenda.

   In the secret realm, Yu Qingqian read the body for all the disciples. Everyone thought it was over. Who knew that she broke another shocking news.

   "I decided to open a drug store in the outer city, and it will officially open in half a month."

Yu Qing looked at everyone with a smile and introduced: "The focus of the poison shop is to sell all kinds of poisons, to expel poisons for the poisoned, and there are many things that you didn't expect to appear. We welcome the brothers and sisters in need to visit us. "

   "..." Hearing her words, the crowd couldn't help twitching the corners of their mouths, a feeling of clutter in the wind.

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