The waitress didn't expect that the two people she had received before were actually Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian, the hot characters in the outer city, and there was disbelief in her eyes.

   "It turns out that the two of them are the two evil geniuses! It doesn't look like it's difficult to get along with." She whispered softly.

She has been a waiter in Taobao Pavilion for more than two years, and she often encounters such talented outer disciples. Many of them are very arrogant and look down on them as candidates. .

   Looking at Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian now, she suddenly felt that this was the real enchanting disciple, no wonder they were not on the same level as those geniuses.

   "I've long heard that Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian are handsome men and women. When I saw them today, they were even more temperamental than the rumors." A male waiter couldn't help but say.

   The steward smiled: "Okay, that kind of arrogance is not something you can talk about, let's go to work."

   The two nodded, looking at the backs of the two leaving with envy in their eyes and continued to work.

   The identity letter of the Nine Stars Club has been integrated into Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian, and it is also the key to entering and exiting the Nine Stars Club headquarters and branches.

  There are two rooms on the third floor, one of which is written "Quota", but the door is closed at this time.

  Another room had the door open, with the word "mission" written on the door.

  The two walked into the room. A young man with a handsome face was flipping through a volume of books. When he saw someone came in, he raised his head and asked, "Do you want to take up the task?"

   Fengchen replied: "Well, we want to take the quest. Are all the quests of the Nine Stars Club taken here?"

   The handsome man nodded, pointed at a few jade slips on the table at will, and said, "The tasks are all here, ranging from easy to difficult. You can choose and tell me."

   His attitude was neither cold nor warm, and he didn't show much curiosity or scrutiny towards Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian. After speaking, he lowered his head and continued to read the book.

   The two found that although the aura of the handsome man was well restrained, they could vaguely capture that his cultivation was already in the spiritual realm.

   The two of them looked at each other, walked to the table, picked up the most suitable task for new disciples, and found that there was not much difficulty, and the basic spiritual emperor cultivation level could be completed.

   The two of them only took the most difficult one, and then they picked up a higher-level task and browsed it.

   "Brother, may we only take one mission at a time, or can we take several at the same time?" Yu Qingqian asked, looking at the handsome man.

   The handsome man did not raise his head, his eyes still fell on the book, and he replied indifferently: "At least one, at most five, whatever task you fancy, just brand your mental power."

   "Thank you!"

   The two men branded the selected task with their mental power, and soon there were five messages on the identity jade card that were fed back to Consciousness Sea, and the task had been successfully completed.

   In addition to the mission information, the two-person identity jade card also has reminders about the mission and contribution points for rewards.

Before the two asked any questions this time, the handsome man said first: "After you complete the task, the identity jade card will be confirmed by yourself. If you need to deliver the task of the task, you can bring it back to me at that time. Just make sure that the task is completed and contribute. The value points will be automatically put into your identity jade card."

   "You can leave when you finish the task, and come back when you're done."

   "Thank you, brother, for clarifying the confusion, we are leaving!" The two of them were neither humble nor arrogant nor arrogant towards the handsome man.

   The handsome man nodded without making a sound, and the two left the room.

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