Huo Ling did not conceal the news that Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian were recruited into the Nine Stars Club.

   For a while, Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian once again became the focus of discussion on the streets of the outer city.

   "I didn't expect it! Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen chose the Nine Stars Guild out of so many guilds. I always felt that their evil talents were more suitable for the Four Great Guilds."

   "Actually, it's normal for them to choose the Nine Stars Guild. Such monstrous geniuses always have some weird tempers. The disciples of the Nine Stars Guild are more free and may be more suitable for them than the Four Great Gangs."

   "That's right, but the Big Four will suffer this time. I don't know if they will find fault with them."

   "I heard that as long as the disciples are invited to join by the Nine Stars Guild, other guilds seldom make trouble, especially the two of them are such monstrous geniuses, so the Four Great Guilds should not deliberately hold grudges."

   "It's hard to say. After all, the four major gangs invited two people twice in a row this time, but they were rejected. This kind of slap in the face may also anger the senior disciples of the four major gangs."

   Such discussions continued in the outer city, and most of the disciples held a schadenfreude attitude and waited to see the play.

After all, two new outer disciples who are talented enough to overwhelm the crowd suddenly come from the outer city. Many people are incapable of overtaking their talents, but they do not fully recognize the strength of the two, and there are even many geniuses. Unconvinced privately.

  The news that Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian joined the Nine Stars Guild spread wildly in the outer city, but the senior disciples of the Four Great Guilds, who were also hotly discussed, didn't say anything.

   I don’t know if I’m hibernating and preparing to stumble secretly, or to give Jiu Xing face, or I don’t want to provoke these two enchanting geniuses who are in the limelight for the time being.

   In short, the more this is the case, the outer city disciples who have been bored for a long time are waiting and watching.

   There are also many people who even secretly opened a bet, Ma Fengchen and Yu Qingqian will sneak practice and adapt to the outer city for the next half year, or they will take up tasks.

  Most people bought the first one. In their opinion, geniuses like the two should prefer to maintain a sense of mystery, so diving is the most suitable.

   However, the behavior of the two soon broke the expectations of all the disciples in the outer city who were concerned about the two.

   On the second day of joining the Nine Stars Club, Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian left the Waimen mansion and went to Taobao Pavilion.

   Along the way, the two of them will surely receive a lot of inquiring and scrutinizing eyes.

   After entering Taobao Pavilion, the waitress who had received the two of them before her eyes lit up, and she took the lead to greet them with a smile, "Brother and sister, do you want to buy anything?"

   "We won't buy anything today, let's go to the third floor to see." Yu Qing smiled lightly, and then went directly to the third floor with Feng Chen.

  The first and second floors of Taobao Pavilion are open to all disciples in the outer city, but the third floor is restricted, and only those who have a letter talisman can enter.

   The waitress was stunned for a while, apparently not thinking why the two of them were able to go up to the third floor.

   "Don't you know who they are?" A steward asked when the waitress was still stunned.

The waitress    shook her head: "Who are they?"

   "They are the two newly promoted outer sect disciples whose three talents are Heavenly Rank. They have also joined my Nine Star Society since yesterday, so they can come and act at will in the future, you don't need to make a fuss." The steward reminded.

   They are all alternate disciples of the outer sect. If they want to cultivate resources, they need to earn contribution points, so they come to Taobao Pavilion to work.

  Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian are the most popular disciples of the new rise, and they seldom go out before, so it is understandable that the waiters in the store do not know each other.

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