None of the people present thought that such a young and beautiful woman like Yu Qingqian would be a powerful Spirit Emperor, and their eyes were all straightened.

  Many people who were at odds with the Helian clan head or had grudges were all gloating in their hearts at this time.

  He Lianqi is really too clueless. He actually dared to use the coercion of the Holy Spirit to oppress the Emperor Ling, which is definitely what he said about courting death.

Helianqi's peers in the Helian family were not as talented as him, but their ability to deal with situations was better than him. If it wasn't for the Long family marrying their only daughter, Helianqi won a bargaining chip for him. It is absolutely impossible to get the position of the head of the family.

   "You!" He Lianqi saw a layer of cold sweat on his forehead. He never imagined that Helian Shan, a wicked obstacle, would find a Spirit Emperor to deal with him.

   Yu Qingqing snorted coldly and waved at the air.

   "Crack!" A heavy slap print immediately landed on Helianqi's face.

   "You don't know about superiority and inferiority, so I am also qualified to question you?" Yu Qingqian raised her chin in a arrogant look, showing a strong momentum and demeanor.

   Not to mention that He Lianqi could not have imagined it, but even Helian Shan was surprised. She really did not expect that Yu Qingqian would be a strong Emperor of the Spiritual Emperor.

  He Lianqi felt aggrieved and panicked in his heart, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of the powerful Spirit Emperor, "Senior, I didn't question you."

   "I don't care if you question me or not. He Lianshan is my friend. It's not an exaggeration for her to take back what belongs to her." Yu Qing asked coldly.

   "It's really not an exaggeration." Helianqi wanted to vomit blood again.

   Does he dare to say it now? Then this woman is definitely slapped again, and she has lost her old face. I only hope that the ancestors will show up soon.

"Then quickly bring out Helianshan's mother's dowry and let everyone be a fair witness, otherwise I will have to seek justice for my friends and get back what belongs to her." Yu Qingqian is extremely strong, that is With a kind-hearted look, he was better than Helian Qi just now.

   Helian Qi wanted to kneel. He had already embezzled so much dowry, now where did he get it.

   "This!" He took out his handkerchief and wiped the fine sweat on his forehead.

   Feng Chen said lightly: "Patriarch Helian is constantly wiping away his sweat, is there a ghost in his heart?"

   "There must be ghosts. If the dowry was not used by him, it must be that he wanted to pocket it and didn't want to take it out." One person shouted from the crowd.

   Some people echoed, "Helian's head has gone too far, the head of the family is so stingy."

   Yu Qingqian raised her eyebrows: "You don't want to take it?"

   "I, it's not that I don't want to take it, it's just that Helianshan's mother's dowry was a lot, and I couldn't tell for a while."

  Helianqi changed his mind and said, "Why don't you invite senior to Helian's house for a cup of tea, I'll have someone count it now."

   As long as he entered the courtyard of Helian's house, he did not believe that his ancestors would ignore it.

  This dead girl is so arrogant now, their Helian family is not without a spirit emperor, she will look good in a while.

   "Crack!" Yu Qingqian waved casually at the air, and a loud slap fell on Helianqi's face again.

   She hates this kind of scumbag who takes advantage of a woman to rise to the top, abandons the woman who supported her when she achieves success, and can live with integrity, the proper Chen Shimei.

   "I'll say it one last time, take out Helianshan's mother's dowry and count it in public here." Yu Qing emphasized it in a cold tone.

  He Lianshan's heart warmed, and he echoed: "Yes, who knows if the Helian family owner will cheat after entering Helian's house. I don't dare to step in half a step, otherwise I will never know when my life will be lost."

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