He Lianshan gave one of the killers a look, and the strength of that man's hand was greater.

  Yu Qingqian simultaneously applied his mental power to the sea of ​​consciousness of the several killers, guiding them to tell the truth.

   So several people opened their mouths to confirm that the instigators behind it were Helian Qi and Helian Xian, and they also talked about a lot of the Helian family's secrets, which made the audience discuss it.

   Helian Qi had the urge to vomit blood before he finished listening to it, these people are really damn.

   "Patriarch Helian, do you have anything else to say now?"

   He Lianshan didn't have a chance to let He Lianqi speak, and continued: "I don't want to worry about the assassination, but I ask you to pay back my mother's dowry now!"

"Your mother's dowry is locked in the backyard and no one will move it. You go back to the inn first, and I will have someone deliver it to you after the inventory is complete." Although He Lianqi's ability is not very good, he still knows that his family's shame cannot be made public. , so he wanted to coax Helianshan away first.

   He Lianshan's mother's dowry had already been used for most of it, and the value of the rest was very high, so naturally he could not return it.

   "I can't trust the behavior of the head of the Helian family. It's better to ask the people present to witness one or two." Helianshan showed persistence.

  He Lianqi couldn't help raising his hand, pointing at Helian Shan, and it took a long time before he said, "Naughty girl, don't go too far."

"How can this be excessive? It is only natural for children to ask for their mother's dowry before you cut off the relationship between father and daughter. Besides, now that you have cut off any relationship, shouldn't you return the dowry to the two of you? ?"

   Yu Qingqian said sarcastically, "Could it be that the head of the dignified Helian family wants to swallow the dowry of his deceased wife and his former daughter?"

   "Do you think it's true?" She then turned to the people around her and asked.

   "Yeah! It should have been cleared up!"

   "Perhaps Patriarch Helian has spent the dowry long ago, so naturally he can't get it now."

   "I heard that when Helianxian married Prince Arno, he was famous for his generous dowry in the northern demon region, and there may be a lot of dowry from the eldest lady's mother."

   "Tsk tsk, it's not right to spoil your concubine and destroy your wife. To actually do such a maddening thing, the character of Patriarch Helian is really not flattering."

   Most of the people who started scolding were invited outsiders, and the people in this city only dared to follow along, but did not dare to scold them blatantly, for fear of retribution by the Helian family.

   But that's enough, the direction of public opinion is completely on Helianshan's side.

He Lianqi almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood, he gave Yu Qingqian a stern look, and the spiritual power on his body pressed against her, "A little Linghuang dares to pick on right and wrong here, you are courting death! "

   Yu Qingqian waved his sleeves lightly, and the pressure that was pressing over automatically dissipated.

   "How dare you talk to me like that, I don't know who is courting death!" Immediately, a coercion from the Spirit Emperor pressed towards Helian Qi.

   They have already mastered the public opinion, so there is no need to talk more.

  He Lianqi used to rely on his cultivation level to be higher than their apparent level, so he always used his strength to overwhelm people.

  Since this is the case, then she also uses the gourd and scoop to press people with force, just to see if the Spirit Emperor of the Helian family will show up.

   "Pfft!" He Lianqi was directly swept back a few steps by Yu Qingqian's coercion, and he couldn't help spurting out a mouthful of blood.

   He looked at Yu Qingqian in disbelief, "You, you are actually a strong person with the cultivation of the Spirit Emperor, how is this possible?"

   "What's impossible, you can press me with coercion, can't I?" Yu Qingqian raised her eyebrows.

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