He Lianshan saw the men and women who came together like beautiful people, the smile on the beautiful face did not restrain, but there was a bright irony in her eyes.

   "Sister, Arno and I have been delayed for a while, and you have been waiting for a long time." Helianxian walked slowly to Helianshan, with a perfect smile on her face, but she couldn't see the slightest regret.

   He Lianshan raised her eyebrows indifferently: "It doesn't matter, I've long been used to your lack of credibility."

   "Stop talking nonsense, bring my things." She stretched out her hand to Helianxian.

  Prince Arno next to Helianxian couldn't help frowning when he saw Helianshan's attitude, "Shanshan, I'm late today because I have something to do, you don't have to treat Xian'er like this."

   He Lianshan sneered: "So what I said is that you have no credibility, you don't understand or are you deaf?"

   "Again, please don't call me Shanshan again, we're not that familiar."

   "Although we can't be husband and wife anymore, you don't have to be so hostile, we grew up together." Arnold's eyes showed a somewhat complicated look, even a bit of tangled pain.

Helianshan chuckled softly, her eyes full of disgust and irony, "Anuoye, do you really think you are a lover? You chose to break off your marriage with me, and now you are doing this, you are not disgusting, I It all feels disgusting."

"Sister, Arnold and I are truly in love, and we have to break off the marriage, let alone hurt you. If you want to blame, then blame me." Helianxian frowned, as if we were all for you good looks.

   "Pfft!" Before Helianshan could speak, Yu Qingqian couldn't help laughing out loud.

   Yan Jun turned his mind and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, just watching scumbags and scumbags perform hypocritically here, I think it's cliché and bloody, so I can't help but want to laugh." Yu Qingqian has always been very vicious and straightforward to those who don't like it. .

  Before the apocalypse, Yu Qingqian had seen such a **** plot in novels and TV series, but Yu Qingqian never expected to meet such a pair in reality.

   Yan Jun said with a low smile: "It really looks like a scumbag and a scumbag."

   Hearing the two of them say a word, both Anuoye and Helianxian changed their faces at the same time.

  A Nuoye's whole body of spiritual master's aura coerced towards Yu Qingqian and Yan Jun, and Immortal Helian's lips were slightly raised, with a proud expression.

  He Lianshan's expression changed, he pulled the whip from his waist and swiped it towards Anuoye.

   "My friend just told the truth, you scumbag dare to do it." After she finished speaking, she drew the whip without hesitation.

   Anuo Ye saw that Helianshan was actually angry at the two humans who had never met and humiliated him, and his face was instantly ugly.

   He backed away a few steps, but Helianshan's whip was merciless and was about to fall on his shoulders.

   He didn't reach out to block, but looked straight at Helianshan with a kind of disbelief, as if he didn't expect that she would actually do something to him.

   But before the whip fell on Arnoye's shoulder, it hit a figure in green that rushed over.

   "Yes!" Helianxian rushed in front of Anuoye, the whip landed on her back, and he let out a muffled groan.

   There was a look of pain on her face, but a flash of triumph and calculation quickly flashed in her eyes.

  A Nuoye didn't see the look in her eyes, her face immediately showed distress, and asked carefully: "Xian'er, are you alright."

   "I'm fine!" Helianxian raised his head and shook his head generously.

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