Yu Qingqian has a relatively straightforward temperament and has an inexplicable closeness to the woman in red.

   smiled and looked at the woman and said, "It's fate to meet twice, miss, do you want to make a table and drink tea together?"

   The woman in red didn't expect to receive an invitation. She basically didn't have any friends, so she couldn't help but smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

   So he got up with the woman in yellow and sat at Yu Qingqian's table.

   The woman in red has a flamboyant appearance and exudes a wild beauty. She is the type of woman Yu Qingqian likes very much.

   Judging from her willingness to agree to Yu Qingqian's invitation, her temperament also belongs to the cheerful category.

   Feng Chen and Yan Jun were not too surprised that Yu Qingqian suddenly invited people over for tea, her temperament has always been casual.

   "My name is Yu Qingqian, his name is Feng Chen, and he is my husband." After Yu Qingqian introduced himself and Feng Chen, he smiled and looked at Yan Jun's introduction, "He is our friend Yan Jun."

   Feng Chen and Yan Jun politely smiled and nodded to the woman in red as a greeting.

  The woman in red is also more straightforward, not pretentious, "My name is Helianshan, she is my maid Xiaowan."

   "Xiao Wan has seen Miss Yu, the two sons!" Xiao Wan greeted her with a smile.

   Yu Qing smiled lightly and said, "Miss Xiaowan, take a seat, you're welcome."

   It can be seen that although Xiaowan is He Lianshan's maidservant, she has a good relationship. She doesn't have much sense of master and servant in her speech and behavior, but more like a sister.

  Xiaowan's temperament is more active in front of He Lianshan, but she is still very responsible when facing Yu Qingqian and the others, her eyes are clear and look a bit simple.

   After the waiter brought the spirit tea and spirit points that Yu Qingqian and the three asked for, they found that the two tables were actually joined together, so they brought the spirit tea from Helianshan's table together.

   Yu Qingqian and He Lianshan are not demure temperaments, and the two gradually started chatting, and the more they chatted, the more speculative they became.

   Nearly half an hour later, Xiaowan couldn't help looking at Helianshan and said, "Miss, Helianxian asked you to come here to meet, but the time has passed and it hasn't come yet. Did he rub our shoulders?"

  He Lianshan originally had a hearty smile on her face, but her smile faded a lot when she heard Xiao Wan's words, "She will definitely come, but now that she has the power, she has to take Joe down."

   After saying that, the smile in his eyes dissipated a little, and there was more of a cold look.

  Yu Qingqian heard the two of them talking and asked with a smile, "Shanshan still has an appointment?"

  The two hit it off at first sight, so Helianshan asked Yu Qingqian to call her Shanshan, and she called Yu Qingqian Qingqian.

   "Well, a sister who has a bad relationship at home asked me to come to this restaurant for something. Who would have thought that nearly half an hour has passed and no one is seen."

   The coldness in He Lianshan's eyes faded, she looked at Yu Qingqian and said with a smile, "Fortunately, I met Qingqian, so I wouldn't be so bored."

   "Well, fortunately she didn't arrive so early, otherwise we would miss the chance to meet." Yu Qingqian nodded.

   During the conversation between the two, a cool woman in an emerald green dress and a handsome and luxurious man walked in together.

   Xiaowan showed a bit of disgust on the faces of the two of them, and whispered, "Miss, Helianxian really has bad intentions, he actually brought that dead scumbag here."

   There was a hint of hatred and dissatisfaction between the words, obviously hating the two of them.

  Yu Qingqian looked up and found that the woman in the green dress did not look alike to Helianshan, and the temperament was even more different.

   The woman named Helianxian had a bit of a cold feeling, and there was a faint arrogance between her brows, which Yu Qingqian did not like.

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