Hongluan took a deep breath and resisted the urge to change her face. This hateful woman, Yu Qingqian, definitely did it on purpose.

   Deliberately made herself say what she valued Binglinghua, she was proposing to charge a fee for treatment, and it was impossible for her to refuse in front of so many people.

  Otherwise, I said I loved flowers just now, and I couldn’t see Binglingcao getting sick, and now I can’t bear to spend money to treat it, that is, I slapped myself.

  Hongluan tightened her hands, looked at Yu Qing and asked with a light smile, "Then I wonder how much it would cost if Miss Yu rescued Binglinghua?"

"If this ice lingcao is not treated, it will die within three days. I usually charge for the treatment according to the value of the flower and grass. After all, it is not easy to find a second one for such a scarce high-grade spirit grass. Can't buy it."

  Yu Qingqian immediately changed the conversation and said, "But since I'm visiting the Red Mansion today, I will treat Miss Hong even if it's cheaper and only pay 80% of the value of the Bingling Flower itself."

  Yu Qingqian looked like I had suffered a big loss, which made Hongluan feel the urge to vomit blood.

This woman really dares to open it up. The main ingredients of Binglingcao that can be used in the later stage of Lingsheng to improve cultivation are very expensive. Generally, the price at auction is about 3 million for a top-grade Lingyu. This is a flower. The king of the middle, how can it take four million high-grade Lingyu to be photographed?

  It was an accident that Hongluan got this iceberg grass. It has been carefully maintained, but who knows it has made him sick.

   But she was unwilling to ask her to take out more than 3 million top-grade Lingyu to treat Yu Qingqian and give it to her rival Lingyu.

Chu Xuan regarded Hongluan as his future prince concubine, and frowned when he heard Yu Qingqian asking for such a high price: "Isn't Miss Yu's treatment cost too high? You can buy another one.”

  Hongluan heard that he came forward to defend him, and the degree of disgust towards Chu Xuan was slightly lessened in her heart, and she did not speak to stop it, which was exactly what she wanted.

Yu Qingqian chuckled and raised her eyebrows: "If I don't treat this iceberg grass, it will die. If you want to get it again, you will have to spend a lot of effort to find it. Don't you need to consume human and material resources? Jade or looking around may not be able to find its trace."

   "I can save a lot of time and human and material resources if I save it, and there will be no regrets that cannot be found. This is a win-win situation."

   She sneered and said indifferently, "Of course, you can also choose not to heal, and go to find a new Bingling Flower, provided that you can find another one that is as good as this one."

   "The bloodline of this Bingling flower is the best among flowers. If you want to find something similar, unless you have the chance to be lucky, you will be difficult to meet again in this life."

   "It doesn't matter if I shoot or not, there is no loss at all anyway."

  Yu Qingqian's attitude is cold and strong, either he will give out so many spiritual jade to treat him, or he will find another one by himself.

  Chu Xuan blushed from Yu Qingqian's choking, not knowing if he was ashamed or angry, "Miss Yu is really articulate!"

   "Thank you for your praise, I have always been so articulate, you don't need to praise me, I know it well myself." Yu Qing replied lazily, his expression and tone were very awkward!

   The crowd stared at the sky silently, and the Great Demon King really has a temperament that does not suffer in any way.

   However, after listening to the words of the Great Demon King, they would find it very reasonable. The price of asking her to take action is really much less than the price of finding a new one.

   As for whether the Great Demon King deliberately wanted to blackmail the whole Hongluan, it is unknown.

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