Hongluan thought that Yu Qingqian had taken a fancy to Binglinghua, but who knew that the other party would suddenly say something like that.

   "Ms. Yu can tell that it is sick from such a distance. It is very serious."

  Hongluan paused and said, "I saw it blooming beautifully. I wonder if Miss Yu can explain a thing or two, where is it sick?"

   The tone of her question was questioning, and she obviously didn't trust Yu Qingqian very much.

Yu Qingqian smiled slightly: "It's because it blooms too brightly that I'm sick, you can get a closer look, the stamens of Bingling flowers are probably starting to wither, as long as you look closely at the inside of the petals, you will find tiny black spots. ."

   Hearing her words, everyone present was very surprised. They swept over in their spirits, but they were blocked by the ban on planting patterns.

  Chu Ruo was the fastest. He went to the Bingling Flower and looked down carefully, widening his eyes in surprise: "It really is, the stamens have been wilted, and there are small semi-black spots on the leaves on the inside of the flowers."

  Others also lowered their heads to look carefully, and as expected, they found the problem mentioned by the Great Demon King, and they all showed their shocked expressions.

   "It's true, you can't see it with your mental power from a distance, you can only see it if you get closer." Chu Jun said with a smile, unable to guess how the Great Demon King saw it.

   This question is also on the minds of others.

  Chu Ruo couldn't help looking at Yu Qingqian and asked, "Great Demon King, how did you see it?"

   "I'm naturally close and sensitive to flowers and plants, so I heard its uncomfortable cry for help." Yu Qingqian didn't hide it.

  The wood-type ability can communicate with all plants and communicate with plants, so she did hear Binglinghua's desire to live for help just now.

   "..." What does it mean to hear the uncomfortable sound of help it makes? Why didn't they hear it?

  Hongluan's face froze, there was a haze in the bottom of his eyes, and he returned to normal in an instant, "It turns out that Miss Yu can still communicate with flowers and plants, so you must know how to heal this Bingling flower, right?"

   She thinks that Yu Qingqian must have done it on purpose. First, she deliberately said that she is not good at growing flowers, but now she can see at a glance that she is taking care of flowers and slaps her in the face.

   What if you find out that you are sick? Bingling flowers have extremely high requirements for growth, and are sensitive to medicinal liquids, so she does not believe that Yu Qingqian can cure the flower's disease.

  Yu Qingqian could see what Hongluan was thinking at a glance. If it were his usual love of flowers, Hongluan would still shoot even if he didn't say anything, but now he doesn't want to shoot so easily.

   "Treatment can be cured, but..." Yu Qing paused with a bit of difficulty on her face.

  Hongluan was overjoyed, guessing that Yu Qingqian must be so hesitant because he couldn't cure Binglinghua now.

   She pleaded with her face: "Miss Yu, I am a flower lover, and I don't want to see Huaer fall ill. If you can save me, I hope you can help me. If there is any difficulty, you can bring it up."

  Yu Qingqian was waiting for her words, "There is nothing difficult about other things, but I have rules whether I am dealing with people or flowers, and I have to charge a fee."

  "..." The people present were guessing that the Great Demon King might have some difficulty and could not be treated well, but when she heard what she said later, they couldn't help twitching the corners of their mouths.

   Are you really good at being a money fan?

  Chu Ruo secretly laughed in his heart, the big devil is trying to blackmail the red beauty, why does he feel so comfortable?

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