Hongluan is not from Chu Xu, but he likes this seemingly casual layout.

  Chu Xuan saw Hongluan staring at Feng Chen with a look in his eyes that he had never seen before, and his face sank slightly.

   "Red Beauty, this time you have an opponent." Chu Xuan opened his mouth and pulled Hongluan back to his mind.

  Hongluan also felt that she had lost her temper, but the man she liked suddenly appeared in front of her, and she couldn't help being shocked and surprised.

   For some reason, after she accidentally saw an image from the battlefield of the Two Domains, she couldn't forget the cold, handsome and unparalleled immortal man.

   The more information and battle images she collects about him, and the more she discovers how good and different he is, the more she can't control the emotional fermentation in her heart.

   For the first time in so many years, she found that she could still be emotionally attracted to a man she had never met.

   Once Hongluan thought that no matter whether it was his beauty, background, or talent potential, he was impeccable. He thought that he would never find a man who could match him in his life.

   But after seeing Feng Chen wearing black armor on the battlefield for the first time, she had a thought in her heart, only this man in this world can be worthy of her and has the qualifications to stand side by side with her.

   Later, after learning that he had married another woman on the battlefield, her heart ached inexplicably, and she couldn't help but express her anger towards that woman, why couldn't she meet him earlier.

She usually pays little attention to the news in the territory. Today, she overheard the maid talking about the Great Demon King and Young Master Feng being invited to the Wilderness Realm by the realm master. She couldn't help blushing and heartbeat. She had already decided to suppress the throbbing and Thoughts arise again.

   She couldn't help wanting to see Feng Chen, was he as handsome as she thought, so people asked him about his movements.

   Soon she got the news that the third prince and others brought Feng Chen to the Palace of Bliss to have fun, so she rushed over quickly.

   I also felt a little dissatisfied with the third prince in my heart. There is still a wine forest and a meat pool in the Palace of Bliss. How could this person bring a beautiful exiled man like Feng Chen to such a place to blaspheme.

   I was still very anxious, and I wondered if my heart would beat after seeing Feng Chen in person, not just because of the first battle image.

   At this moment, Hongluan's expression and emotions have subsided, the gaffe is only a momentary thing, but she is not calm.

The moment   's eyes fell on Feng Chen, she heard the sound of flowers blooming in her heart, her heart beating violently irregularly, a feeling that she couldn't even describe herself seemed to flood her body, unable to extricate herself.

   With just one glance, Hongluan decided that this was the man he really fell in love with and could no longer let go.

   Hearing the eldest prince's question, it was the first time Hongluan saw him so pleasing to the eye, "Oh, there is an opponent? I don't know who it is?"

  Chu Xuan has been pursuing her for many years, and she doesn't look down on her at all, but if it can attract Feng Chen's attention, she doesn't mind talking to him a few more words.

  Chu Xuan's eyes fell on Yu Qingqian, and he said to Hongluan with a smile: "The beauty of the red must have heard of the great devil's name, this is it."

He paused and continued: "She's going to beat us in one round just now, tying the record you once set. We were just guessing who would win if the two of you played against each other. I didn't expect the red You are here, great beauty."

   Chu Xuan really likes Hongluan. Only such a woman who combines beauty, talent and background is qualified to be his concubine.

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